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Blyad Cat

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  • Location
    KSC Runway
  • Interests
    Messing around with BD Armory and seeing ships blow up.

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  1. I was wondering, is it possible to enable destruction between two crafts owned by two different people?
  2. Alright, all are for 1.3.0 at least. Here is another crash log; I uninstalled BD armory and yet it crashed on this mod. Moar logs: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bz9EqChWXJTfTUVza2l1SkJ4T2M
  3. I'm getting crashes on KSP with any mods. Current mod list: B9 HX, B9 Partswitch, B9Animation Modules, BD Armory, CAL, DockingCam, FShangarExtender, KAX, NAS, North Kerbin Weaponry, Physics Range Extender, SmokeScreen, Firespitter, and Vessel Mover. I'm thinking it has something to do with module manager. Logs here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bz9EqChWXJTfOWtfUnpHLWYzZm8
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