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Everything posted by GRS

  1. What you guys could suggest about my part (i'm quite good in going big, i normally go big)
  2. Heck, that was so Kerbal, my biggest barely went above 10k Tons, congratulations...
  3. Purrpollo SSTO Rocket...(This is the first time i make Ships that have good Aesthetics) Overall Look... (In Eve SOI now, lets land this damn thing on Eve and Gilly)
  4. ...Phew...K Top Quarks, watch our mouths this time, because it's really our mistakes... 48 (+)
  5. Lets hope it's really our mistake, it'll be Impossible to win in this match if he "Cheated". 47 (+)
  6. 9/10 Wish you're really that Professional.
  7. GRS

    Word Evolution

    Rapper Fails so well
  8. Eeloo and Dres, each are too easy, but combine them (Eeloo-Dres Round Trip), and their Difficulty may even surpass the likes of Tylo.
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