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Everything posted by GRS

  1. IKR, but i think...how's the final mission ??? I mean...it's not as satisfying as when you used no Hyperedit, i wasn't satisfied even after a Hyperedited lander beaten Eve in Direct Ascent back then, it failed miserably in the actual mission. And better grab Trajectories Mod, you'll probably need many aerobrake attempts, so try keeping SAS and don't move or you may alter your Trajectory, or make something that should get you away from 2000 Kilometers or so... I might give you an example of how Eve Landers may look like after finishing my Evepollo (I'm currently 6/9 of Finishing @5thHorseman's Kerpollo Challenge, maybe you can try it later...)
  2. At least he looks better...(Don't look at the writings)
  3. 7/10 Looking good...except the right ones...and the left ones...
  4. Yes, i guess, Mark 3 pulled overally 75 Science experiments, 30-32 of them relates to Moho, others are from Eve, and Kerbin and also Low Kerbol Science, i dipped slightly to Eve's atmo and Kerbin's. @VQkr, what are you doing now ??? (You should talk a bit more often here...) @Johnster_Space_Program, maybe a status report of your Dunpollo...? @FloppyRocket, if you are to do a Mohollo, i suggest you aim for Moho's inclination intersection that's closer to Kerbol (Sun), you'll need "a bit" more Delta v to counter, but like 1000 m/s or less could be saved for Moho capture. (Yet i suggest Dunpollo)
  5. @5thHorseman Mohollo Mohollo Mk3... Moho Capture... Landing, Near MOHOLE !!! Docking... Low Kerbol Science. Re-entry. Science Gai- WHAT !!! THAT MANY !!! I DON'T EVEN EXPECT THAT MANY !!! Now i have the Trump Card to deal with Eve (Vectors)... -PROGRESS- Kerpollo (64.7 Science Points) Munpollo (277 Science Points) Minpollo (570.2 Science Points) Dunpollo (1881 Science Points) Eeloollo (1804.8 Science Points) Mohollo (2780.6 Science Points)
  6. 9/10 For being the first one to follow me, Good Profile pic, Good custom Rank, mostly good.
  7. Banned Lasagna Banned Lasagna Kerbiloid ain't Nothing but a Banned...Lasagna
  8. Finishing my Mohollo for real this time, lets hope i can pull 2200 Science (4400 Science in 100% gains).
  9. Over 300 years, i'll try making all those times useful, or manipulate date (if i can do it while keeping everything i've gained).
  10. Banned for inversing messages.
  11. GRS


    Sisilia (Greek city) Enjoy the "A" streak LOL.
  12. I saw you, from that thread... 10/10 For knowing TTGL, good Profile Pic, excellent intuitive ability (Intuition = Ability to Improvise...i guess), and maybe more. *Summoning : @Fraston, @The_Cat_In_Space, @kerbiloid, @KerbolExplorer, @guesswho2778, @MDZhB...*
  13. @FloppyRocket Sweet !!! But i think you should bother bringing more Science hardwares to surface, you should be able to pull over 3000 Science if you did so...(Up there, my Eeloollo pulled out like 1804,7 Science or so with Half gains) Meanwhile...in Tengen Toppa Aerospace...Simone and his friends are staying in an eccentric Moho orbit with Bob in a stable Polar orbit around Moho, The Nuclear Mothership has around 7000 m/s in it, so i believe i should be able to pull it off, with some near Kerbol Science (Delta v improvement : around 2000 m/s), Bob can't set maneuvers because he's not certified as a Pilot, its the first part that uses Science Automation, by using Action Groups. (At least 5 Kerbals are involved each mission) Again @FloppyRocket, where next ???
  14. Banned for getting it wrong again.
  15. Like @Geonovast said, it's fine to use Debug menu, yet i rarely do so, mostly to use Object Thrower, mostly because of bored, yet the so called "Simone Kerman of Tengen Toppa Aerospace" was made in Debug menu.
  16. You need to get rid of that Truss Structure, it's killing Aerodynamics, great job if you know how to get rid of it and leave it in the ground (or destroy it).
  17. *sigh* Third iteration of Mohollo... First made 47 experiments, second made 64, Third should make over 70 (Eve and near Kerbol experiments counts) Science Target : 2200 Science
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