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  1. I did an isolated test to check. Going through the code, I *think* it has to do with using the same bayID reference in MKS and USI_LS, as well as the right click menu not properly updating in the VAB. As soon as I go to flight, it goes away. The right click menu also doesn't update for the resource converters. I chased it for a little bit, but I didn't get very far with it and decided it was harmless enough to stop losing sanity over.
  2. Trying to troubleshoot my mod install, currently have a clean install with just USI mods. On certain parts I get recipe: ???. Cant find any info out there on this. Any guidance is appreciated!
  3. Hello Sir, Loving your principia configs, really appreciate your hard work. I would love to install your visual pack, but I'm running blackrack's clouds and I dont know how to make them play nice. Just another vote from me that will hopefully inspire you to make a compatible graphics pack
  4. Thank you for informally updating this.
  5. Absolutely love this mod...is there any integration to create an alarm for a planned maneuver? Im not finding one in the flight planner.
  6. I don't know if the issues over the last several pages are still being tackled. I stumbled upon the issue early in my save game and plunged down this rabbit hole. I want to express my thanks to the mod developers. You all are amazing.
  7. Is simulating your craft's flight in career mode an unlocked thing? Disabled? I can't seem to activate simulating but I'm not sure if its a depreciated feature or a possible conflict. Edit: Found my answer in the old thread, I need KRASH. This can be disregarded.
  8. LaunchPad FX science showing up in checklist. 99% sure its Kopernicus related. I uninstalled it and it went away. player log: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/m4fidrvbigkgm0myyxw78/Player.log?rlkey=h6rnh5leyaktjudfyi9tyvijv&dl=0 Love this mod, appreciate the hard work. Edit: Added "LaunchpadFX" to the text filters in settings and science, seems to have nuked it. Edit2: Kerbin's ROC showed up when I added a scanning arm to a rover (I think). A text filter in the science.cfg file removed it from the list.
  9. Hello, long time stalker. I absolutely love this mod, thank you to everyone who supports it and helps it grow. I had a quick question that my google-fu couldnt solve. When I attach the flexotube, there is a "pump here" option. What does it do?
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