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Everything posted by callsignblaze

  1. an updated gripen and its "successor" concept jets
  2. have you been able to adjust the weapons range on the mod to adjust to the physics range extension? the origonal mod only had a 5000 meter range
  3. (shiro voice) I WANT THAT! also i love your mod i still use it in 1.8.1
  4. ok what cockpit is that? V-31 gunship- ADT-R stealth custrom interceptor
  5. Main plane parts: Airplane plus, retro future, nice man bingo, aars, sxt, b9aerospace, b9procdural wings, near future aerospace, mk2 expansion, bdynamics, badtjets Armament: Bdarmory, kerbalfeild, mnsweapons, tmasteron armory, nkd, kws, realistic weapons This is just a short list Im probably missing some mods
  6. i made quite a plethora of rotoecraft if you would like. send me a blue print and ill make one for you. comercial or military
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