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    Eating penguin
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    In other bird birdnest
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  1. Do you mean the detonate button, or fire missile, If you meant the detonate button somehow it doesn't work, if you meant firing nukes underwater does not detonate, but it does explode with the stock explosion, It means somethings wrong, check if you use the BDA+ custom version bundled in 0.1.1 file because the 0.1.1 version requires a custom bda, If the part does not explode and still exist underwater, you have to either make it crash harder to detonate, or wait until the detonation time, would you mind telling me the specific nuke that does not work?
  2. Ive just updated it, Check on curse forge, Download the 0.1.0 Beta
  3. So I want to save all my particle path into an array so in the cfg file i put it like this expPath = {NKDR/effects/WaterShock,NKDR/effects/Plume} and in the code the variable is defined as public string[] expPath and then i loop through it and do stuff in foreach(string pathtonuke in expPath) { ExplosionFx.CreateExplosion(position, 0, pathtonuke, explSoundPath, Missile = true, bullets = 0, explosivePart = null, direction = default(Vector3)); } and It compile thou it does not work which i highly suspect to be the array in cfg file,Any fix?
  4. Mirv is removed due to a broken particle,Which i may add back when i have time,Stuff have range of 5000 m because if you launched it more than that,Floating Point Precision error occur which is a term for "Your missile turning into a flat cubed mesh" .While On your PC was fine,Some other people saw it don't work,Including me so i added it,But if it work you can use it,But It's not guarantee it'll work forever.
  5. Currently NKDR remove b-61,It'll be re added in the next update
  6. Well i've solve the invisible problem but I set the Emit property to 100 and it emit only a few particle ingame.Also can anyone told me what setting do what in the KSP particle emitter option As it's pretty confusing to me (especially energy,Grow,Shape and emission).
  7. Well here's current mirv that used megaton bomb explosion as the mirv explosion dont work also place this in the part folder in the NKDR folder https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1D_CKFyRfG-7vhxSF89RdLtk9O2yPRXH3?usp=sharing
  8. Can you give me the unity file?as my unity setup doesn't have the As the direction is universal in my setup
  9. Hey do you know what is the name of upper jaw bone,Instead of bn_upperJaw
  10. Hello so first watch this video to get NKDR working or this
  11. Well i will but it is a stub as i currently just dunno how to create particle effect for ksp,When i try.It never work.I'm searching for a solution for like 1 year now
  12. Well the minimum safe distance for at least,Not complete destruction for tsar bomba is 5 km and the distance that no part is destroyed is 27 km,But BDA may calculate Occlusion so if your back of VAB you may survive,As i test this out already
  13. Well it should work with original BDA but may not work with the runway version
  14. Well good he didn't experience my Anti-matter bomb that is in development
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