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    rsync -a /dev/sda /dev/fd0

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  1. Hello World!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. adsii1970


      No, WordPress isn't that hard to use. Just they have a "Hello World!" sample blog entry that pops up as soon as you activate the platform. So when I saw your message, I couldn't help the slight chuckle...


    3. Geonovast


      lol, wasn't implying it was.  Just Apache's default start page is basically a slim instruction page.

      I'm not even sure what Wordpress is.  Just assuming it was a web server.  Is it specifically for blogging?

      "Hello World" is the first message pretty much any programming tutorial will have you print first.

    4. adsii1970


      Yes, it is a blogging platform. Probably one of the most used in the world. It is literally everywhere and is fairly flexible. There are even "plug-ins" which will allow you to turn a blog into an e-commerce site.

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