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    rsync -a /dev/sda /dev/fd0

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  1. Last night I destroyed my phone by running it in the washing machine.... again.

    I should not be allowed to have a cell phone.

    1. XB-70A


      What about an intelligent system? Alarming users when a foreign object is left in it. It would save phones, money, and a bunch of wallets...

    2. Geonovast


      I think the best bet would be to get one of those washers that you can control with your phone, and then disable local control... so I have to use my phone to start it.

      You know, spend like $3k because I broke a $100 phone. (Maybe... It's still sitting in front of a fan... which probably won't do much since cell phone manufacturers have decided the preventing us from opening then thing up is good for us.)

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