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Everything posted by wenth

  1. @_@ ya i will have to see what sense i can make of this. thanks for the advice @JadeOfMaar any idea why simply editing the ratio = 0.5 line would have no change in game?
  2. @RoverDude @JadeOfMaar trying to edit parts from the mod to make them more like how I would like them (color changes to eng fx and fuel eff levels) but when i mess with the config (fallowing all instructions I can find) nothing happens or the part just disapears. if i try and make a new copy. it never shows up. if i try and edit the original it disappears thus needing a reinstall of the mod. all i am doing is going into the cfg file and altering the color lines (cleanly copy pasting in the lines i want) and changing the // --- FX definitions --- fx_exhaustFlame_white = 0.0, -2.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running fx_exhaustFlame_blue = 0.0, -5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running fx_exhaustSparks_blue = 0.0, -3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running fx_smokeTrail_medium = 0.0, -4, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running fx_exhaustSparks_flameout = 0.0, -2, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, flameout name = Karbonite ratio = 0.5 DrawGauge = True resourceFlowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH PART { // Kerbal Space Program - Part Config // KA-250 Karbonite Fueled Engine // only things iv messed with so far. any idea why nothing changes when I change these settings or make a new confg file FROM the original one?
  3. @daniel .i I know you cant turn down the brightness but are there starts that are dimmer then others we could use instead of all of them?
  4. @JadeOfMaar is karborundum still way down around 2000m around the sun?
  5. how long does the mod normaly take to start up the first time. i know it takes a while but.....its been almost an hour of watching the loading icon spin...
  6. I'm not finding the karborundum harvesting parts. what are they called?
  7. ooooooo so i cant just have them floating around the planet bummer. thanks!
  8. Question. how do i "leave" an air ship once iv set it off......i can build a nice little floating station and keep it up high but....I never get the option to leave the ship and go back to the space center unless i revert.....
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