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Everything posted by TheProtagonists

  1. Forgot about the scaled look for those planets... so here they are: Hyperion: Keter: it's blue! Horu: it's sunrise/set is blue!
  2. Figured out scatterer config tool!... This is the surface of Keter: It's blue and there is oxygen! (not thicc enough to take off the helmet tho) And here's the Hellish surface on Horu: whatever I tried to land here obviously didn't survive Note that here I did not use scatterer ocean since that would make the lava very un-lava-like...
  3. Great news! I have just figured out how to scatterer! Which means that hopefully there won't be any more technical problems on the way to the initial release! Here's the surface of Hyperion with scatterer: dunno why I spent all the time landing this lander when I could just used parachutes though...
  4. While I continue to figure out scatterer... Biomes are now working! Here's a sample one for Tengu The fun part is that I get to add more references The not so fun part is that I'm about to make ~90 of them
  5. Currently figuring how to scatterer In other news Asteroids are now working Every system besides Wall have at least one asteroid belt and a few objects have asteroids around them
  6. sad news... Due to how a star type scaled object interferes with shaders and atmosphere rings (and possibly screw up scatterer), I have to drop the "glowing Ori" idea... The next best thing I can think about is making it VERY shiny... description had also been adjusted for this change
  7. Even more rings: Harmony's colorful stripes: Adeon's very thin ring: and Newell's colossal disk - maybe not as elaborate as j1407b, but still the largest one here
  8. Now we move on to everybody's favorite: RINGS!!!!1!!1!11!!!!one!!!!eleven!!11! Starting with Paradise:
  9. Every star is pretty much finished! Sadly one of the bigger problem still remains... I still have no idea how to make sunflare... Dawn Oblivion Eon Traverse Fragment Ascension Eternal
  10. Ironically the first star I'm about to present isn't a star But it's the only brown dwarf here - Wall
  11. Hikari - the pink one for some reason I don't see pink gas giants very often... but do not worry because you are about to see a few more in the following days
  12. ~New gas giant~ Yama - home of really bigTM storms or half Jool Right now it's quite dark and some storms are really hard to see, but after scatterer they should look way better
  13. New gas giant - Newell Not exactly final, probably will at least make the atmo rim less orange among other things...
  14. Getting ready for gas giant making... Here's the first one: Kroadwell This will more than likely be the most uneventful gas giant in the mod...
  15. This is it! ALL 83 planets with a surface are now complete! For these are the final worlds around Sora: Fifth moon - Lyria Where almost every continent is a different biome Third moon - Nishimiya Once a barren world but no longer this one has Mercury's heightmap, but you probably can't tell Fourth moon - Miyamizu Shaped by an ancient impact we make awful and blatant references
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