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Everything posted by TheProtagonists

  1. The second to last update on planets as we complete the final system: Sora First moon - Mirai The heightmap is actually a slightly modified Mars... but hopefully most people aren't gonna notice that Second moon - Megumi A "boring" desert planet... but it won't be Sixth moon - Yukino A world defrosting from its ice age we make terrible and blatant references
  2. And now... 4 asteroid sized objects Frisk - a very odd and dense sphere Ranco - a silver oval Ori - the mysterious glowing ball I will have to hope that this doesn't mess with scatterer otherwise it might not make it to the final cut... Tiamat - Traverse's comet
  3. Today we introduce the best and the most unrealistic planet system in the Traverse System and possibly the entire mod: The Overture System Main planet - Overture and it's pink fields Overture's moon - Collide Collide's moon - Parallel Parallel's moon - Tack
  4. Hold your beverages because the screenshot train is starting again!... Today's stop: the Amaterasu system main planet: Amaterasu Moon 1: Hakurei - the world with the highest score on the Kerbin Similarity Index Moon 2 that is in the exact same orbit with moon 1 but 180 deg apart: Jeanne - a world covered in golden corp fields (NOT deserts) None of these two moon's name should bear any resemblance to anything you might have be thinking, and if you do, please wipe them from your memory
  5. So I finally found a way to color small parts of a colormap... this could get interesting... In other news, the description for all 100 bodies are completed! sadly the tpyos and grammar erorrs might still exist
  6. While fixing ice cap heightmaps I found out that the improved Zen's squiggly lines look awful... Here's a quick solution that looks way better On the other hand I feel like a lot of planets I made early in the development deserve remakes... But if I do do that then the initial release is gonna take forever... so that's one more thing to do for future updates...
  7. Coming soonTM before: Valve releases something with "3" in it Firefly Season 2 Intel names a architecture without the word "Lake" Your favorite anime gets season 3 Bitcoin crashes and goes up again to six figures The Rapture Heat death of the universe
  8. hmmm... that's a good point that I somehow didn't take into consideration... But it doesn't seems to be that catastrophic and I should be able to fix them without a lot of changes. That will be done, and thank you for pointing it out!
  9. Annnnnd... that's the last one... All 83 heightmaps are finally finished! and only about 20 of them need to be colored!... if you squint really hard you might be able to image what they look like
  10. Congrats on the release! Finally a reason to put that Orion drive to good use... Also if downloadmoreram.com went down due to traffic overload, it's totally not my fault
  11. Being extremely indecisive, I just completely remade Nyarlathotep In other news, I don't expect a lot of screenshots to be made, as I'm planning to get all the heightmaps of the rest 10+ bodies done before applying color...
  12. Now for something not so different Brynhildr - the first of the continental worlds cluster So now I'll have to think about making the rest 10+ Kerbin-like planets stand out...
  13. That's sort of the point the Traverse System exists So I can eventually make a storyline that is a poorly disguised excuse on why there are so many Kerbin-like/Terra/Habitable/Friendly/Whateveryoucallit worlds
  14. New archipelago planet - Promise Because ocean planets are a bit boring without scatterer Promise's very special moon - Raem it's pink... it's blue... IT'S ACTUALLY BOTH?!
  15. A slightly larger update: the second and final planet of Ascension - Harmony I insist those interesting colors are in fact, plants and other extremophiles
  16. A small update: The submoon of Young - Perry note: it's name and appearance should bear no resemblance to anything whatsoever that come cross your mind
  17. The rest two moons of Shima are done! Porter - one of the few places in the Traverse system without Oxygen really like how this one turned out Young - this would be impossible to make without NASA's super high definition terrains
  18. I confess that I go to the KSS wiki at least once every two days... Oh wow, some new pages have been added... Good... This pleases me
  19. Rolling out all the moons of Shima in a while... Here are the first two: Pooh - a forest world, except that there are no terrain scatters right now so no actual trees... Cranell - a sub-habitable world with a cool symbol shaped on it except that this symbol serves nothing but a unique biome because it's just a cool photoshop brush I found
  20. Well... that is what I'm trying to say But the background of my image viewer is black so I mistook that as the color, and the landmasses are actually transparent
  21. I don't exactly have masks for colormaps themselves (or maybe I do and I just don't know that exact term) but yes, the lands have no alpha and only oceans have alpha, so if viewed directly from a image viewer, lands will be all black.
  22. So... I was looking back at some older planets and moos, and I found that Sandalphon look horrendous Therefore here's a completely remade version: Much, much better...
  23. I expect a LOT more of typos to be found, thanks for pointing out... hey at least I have the excuse that English isn't my first language
  24. Thank you so much for being interested! Sadly as of now I don't have plans to add a custom skybox... but this does give me an idea to add a custom skybox in a future update, and I'll contact you when that happens... Sorry I can't use your help right now... but if you still want to help out maybe you can drop some sciencedefs?
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