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Everything posted by TheProtagonists

  1. New update! All 100 bodies' base config file is more or less complete! and here's the look of the densely packed Traverse System beautiful gradient isn't it? because it's the exact same one in my avatar and the system with the most moons: Sora System Moons from the innermost: Mirai, Megumi, Nishimiya, Miyamizu, Lyria, Yukino, Rin and Frisk
  2. 原来这个中文论坛还真的有人发帖???手动斜眼
  3. Well... as you can see in the star system list, I'm planning to do A LOT of Kerbin like worlds, and that's my intentional design, so if I ever decided to make a storyline out of this, I can actually talk about the nature of those worlds. But you are completely right, I definitely need more land virations for them, so I should make more worlds with exotic color scheme like Yggdrasil... Thanks for the suggestion!
  4. A Jeb I drew a while ago... Among other things...
  5. Now that might be a problem to consider... But since GPP_secondary exists I don't think it would be that difficult to integrate with, or I can just make stars adapt to the change.
  6. *making atmosphere sure is fun because I just realised that 33/38 worlds in Traverse System have atmopshere* *can't wait to work on EVE and scatterer on all of these* On the other hand here's Kestrel: Actual color may change as the sun light color is subject to change
  7. any pack that doesn't reparent Kerbin (only replace stock system/add system orbiting the Sun) should be good, the only extra work I need to do is scatterer compatibility. GN on the other hand is more complicated, for now there's only the Dawn, but if I decided to add another system not orbiting Dawn, things could get tricky... But eventually this will be done I make a black and white heightmap first and use photoshop's gradient map (image > adjustments > gradient map) to color the heightmap into the colormap. After Effect's colorama also works.
  8. Thank you! *flooded by compliments* New textures in the Eon System: Wallnut (not walnut) Everest, has a very high terrain deformity
  9. ~New textures just got made!~ Kaamo Nirvana ...and that concludes all the bodies with a surface inside the Oblivion System... Moving on to the Eon System now!
  10. After removing stars' orbits I realise I could have fitted a lot more things here Maybe there will be expansion packs in the futureTM
  11. Please clap for the final world in the Inner Dawn System: Paradise ~This means that almost half of all the textures planned are finished!~ Also the orbits of stars is now hidden, so map view is a lot less cluttered and more GN/KSS like
  12. Ah, thanks! Now ignoring whatever was going on... Here's Heimdallr - a tropical moon! I insist that those yellow regions are elaborate beaches and not deserts. Also, I just realised how messy the entire system looks like with stars' orbits on... might just make them invisible.
  13. Update: The 'small problems' have been solved thanks to the help from Kopernicus Discord! So hopefully the texture progress will speed up again... INTERMISSION: The inner layout of the Eon system has been made: Kestrel's orbit might move outward depends on the size of Newell's ring...
  14. KSS is indeed my favorite planet pack by far, and as you can see that I did draw some inspirations from it.
  15. Eh, KSS has way bigger scale in all aspects, so I feel like my project isn't that impossibly unachievable... and I think 16GB RAM is enough for an endeavor like this... right?
  16. Updates: 1. Due to a 'small' problem of pixelated terrains, the creation of heightmaps has been slowed down, but it will speed up soon as the problem is being investigated... 2. I have created a Google Sheets for sciencedefs that anyone can contribute to! Click HERE to view and edit, and again, I appreciate your help very much!
  17. So I have this interesting problem with my planets lately... All the terrains have this noticible pixelated look. Nothing gamebreaking, but looks a bit weird visually. It seems like this have nothing to do with most PQS mods, including LandControl, as those tiles are still visible even after applying a very high deformity to other PQS mods. This also seems to have nothing to do with material tiling (that NearTiling FarTiling MultiFactor thing) either. Tried to convert heightmap to dds but this tiling still persists. The thing is, I don't recall seeing this tiling problem just a week ago, and I made no change to any of the height maps, but this tiling just suddenly appeared to almost all of my planets... any thoughts on what could be the cause?
  18. Horizon and Vindication: the two outermost worlds in the Paradise system and yes Vindication is supposed to look like a bismuth crystal ball
  19. Completely revamped Bahamut's textures! Now with two volcano-ish objects on the continent! except that nothing will happen if you land or build a base there because it's just color ~another better shot of Asgard~
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