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Everything posted by DAL59

  1. It does. US doesn't have territories east of brazil. So the sun does set.
  2. 40 B would be enough for a 4 person, manned mars mission. Sigh.
  3. I'm considering Discovery noncanon. It might be good show, but its not star trek. TNG had debates, entire episodes set in court rooms, and non-war episodes. Discovery is just the expanse but lower quality and without newtonian physics. Bird poop islands don't really count...
  4. You have to admit, this series is by far the most convoluted thing ever written. You have: 1. AI that eventually goes rouge 2. Artifacts discovered on Mercury that enable STL travel 3. Convicts sent to proxima 4. Wormholes that only travel at light speed from outside perspective made of artifacts from earlier 5. Alternate timeline with romans 6. Sentient fungi on Mars 7. Communication over billions of years via bacteria on asteroids 8. Alternate timeline with mayans 9. Jonbar hinges, whatever those are 10. The end of the universe I honestly have no idea what happened. It was just an exercise in complexity.
  5. We don't know it was apollo. It could be the newly formed empire claiming the moon.
  6. The first launch is unmanned though. If it exploded, it would be 8 billion dollars wasted. Oh wait, the SLS is 8 billion wasted anyway... They would last long enough to get to the moon though.
  7. It only diverges at one point a few decades before the show though. Your organs can survive the amount of gees shown in the show, but you would be knocked out. The Juice keeps you awake.
  8. I thought the plot was space romans, alternate histories, and interstellar sentient fungus communications. Plus rouge ai thrown in too. (How is this one book.)
  9. Those are wider than they are tall though. Stacking 20 on top of each other is a bad idea.
  10. Was that an actual limit they encountered, or did they just test it that many times?
  11. 1000*90*2=180,000 minutes = 125 days. The question is, are ion engines infinitely restartable?
  12. If they spiral out. Why not just do a bunch of periapsis kicks? It would take a long time though.
  13. It has it own ion engines. Why not launch into LEO, it definitely has enough DV to get to the moon.
  14. nothing... we were talking about exospheric variations due to the 11 year solar cycle
  15. Whats surprising is, its still one of cheapest rockets when they don't recover the booster.
  16. You can see it(more like sea it haha) from sea level, if you have a tall ship going over the horizon, the mast will disappear last. If you look carefully, you can see curvature from not too far up.
  17. So much for ultimate russian roulette.
  18. Thats the old site, new one is https://tinyurl.com/2fcpre6
  19. They just announced the possible cancellation of the SLS!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
  20. Oh, so two can play this game.
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