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Everything posted by DAL59

  1. I've seen far too many missions that just go to minimus, refuel, then go anywhere.
  2. At 10,000 petameters, there is a second SSTV signal, that no one has deciphered yet.
  3. You can post twice, but not twice in a row. 0
  4. I literally just came to Forum Games to start this thread! thirty six Technically no numbers!
  5. Rules: Land a kerbal on Eeloo, then return to Kerbin. 1. You may preposition anything at Eeloo(ex. ISRU), without counting against time. You must actually fly those missions though. Time is measured from the first crewed launch. 2. You must have at least 2 seats per kerbal, and at least 2 kerbals. Only 1 must land on Eeloo. No spending a decade in a seat! Does not apply to detachable landers. 3. No refueling on Minimus. 4. All mods allowed, except warp drive and tweakscale. 5. Each launch must be less than 200 tons. Total of all launches must be under 2000 tons. Scoring is based on how little time it takes between the launch of the crew and the return to Kerbin. Get the lowest score. Bonuses: Only 1 launch: -400 days Prepositioned Ascent Vehicle: -200 days ISRU at Eeloo: -200 days Apollo style: -200 days Artificial gravity hermes style: -200 days No nukes or ions: -300 days Fully recovered: -400 Use a gravity assist: -200 Bring a rover: -200 Preposition a base: -200 Bring a base: -300 Make it look like the BFR: -100 Go to pluto in RP-0 instead: -500 Leaderboard: 1. @Marschig- 1176.22 points 2. @Matt Lowne- 2394 3. 4. 5.
  6. Falcon Heavy is less than 6 months weeks days away!
  7. I liked it because it defied tropes, like the chekov's gun. I don't wish every star wars was like that though, but it was nice to have something different.
  8. Watch the video I just posted. It bugs you because it defies Chekov's gun.
  9. That Falcon Heavy was not the one that is about to launch. This one is reusable. The original Falcon Heavy would have been expendable. It was not delayed- it was "canceled" so they could come up with a much better design. https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/wnjpew/scientists-turned-carbon-dioxide-into-oxygen-by-zapping-it-with-a-laser
  10. It is not the powerpoint phase. They have already taken many employees and put them into BFR construction. They already researched SSRP for Dragon. It is not a distant "2043 to Mars" thing like NASA, BFR tests are only 2 years away. BFR will have to be delayed by a factor of 4 for NASA to have a chance. Maybe there's a more efficient way to recycle air though. I wish Musk would talk about that. Also, the ISS is a modular, international, very finicky station. On the ISS, 5/6 of astronauts time is spent on repairs. There are too many sub-sub systems and different modules. The BFR is an actual spaceship, made entirely by a single company, and should be more robustly designed. They could have more unitary systems.
  11. They did it on the ISS. They could also use algea. You only need 6 liters of algea per person for air.
  12. Does that guy really have that any authority over non-NASA missions though? I mean, he could try to raise a complaint, but Musk would definitely not listen to them, and nobody wants to be the guy who stops a Mars mission.
  13. The SSMEs are great engines: reusable, restartable, and extremely high isp. Now they are going to use them up, wasting the reuse capability, in just 4 launches. Though of course, it will be while...
  14. https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2018/01/rs-25-hot-fire-2018-testing-sls-engines/ The trickle of marginal achievements will continue!
  15. Space Engine is the only game with photorealistic graphics. Its free, and simulates billions of light ears of realistic, procedural space. These aren't cutscenes: this is how it normally looks when you play. n-body physics, too
  16. Actually, its even worse than that. They said it would move 6 kilometers per second. Underwater. There's something called a rocket you could use as well, and would be equally stealthy(that is to say, not at all.)
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