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Everything posted by DAL59

  1. He did fly planes, and had a sentient droid to help him.
  2. Just saw this on reddit. Its not even RO!
  3. How exactly are they going to get the boat in the right spot with wind and all? Does the faring have any thrusters?
  4. Will there be a parachute on the fairings or will the terminal velocity just be low? Do they really need a boat(would it survive splashdown?)?
  5. Also, Bepicolombo is going to Mercury, Google is going to the moon multiple times, a Dragon is going to the ISS with crew and around the moon, and Insight and Roadster are going to Mars.
  6. Why did they retract the Heavy?! Did they find a problem?! Was Musk just showing off?
  7. Can we have midiclorians not be canon? What about that blind guy in Rouge One?
  8. I did a very similar mission. Now I have 2 kerbals stranded in duna orbit and 1 stranded in Ike orbit.
  9. I know normally you need OP request to close a thread, but since @cbroughton was only here for one day 5 years ago, can @Vanamonde or @Deddly please close this?
  10. Okay. While I understand why some people don't like VIII, you have to admit, it has continued Star Wars' reputation of always having the best special effects and soundtrack. Found it. Yeah, that's pretty bad. Scott Manly actually talked about that. It was a valid trajectory, but would take an entire year. Also, I think the "Ganymede mirrors agriculture" is inspired by
  11. @1: 1: @2-D @3! @4 IN 1 @5_star_ownage @6.forty @700NitroXpress @8) @9 Drunk Ninja Foxes @10_6_Sparta
  12. Doesn't work in the atmosphere. Only in a vacuum. No objects near hatch.
  13. Why not? There's brachistochrones and newtonian physics. Its the most realistic one.
  14. Can this thread be closed, mods?
  15. Try going to the kelnis system(7 planets!)(Kerbal Star Systems)
  16. If you want realistic space combat, watch the expanse.
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