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I got BCed

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Everything posted by I got BCed

  1. This is a challenge of efficient rocket design and intelligent piloting. Challenge: Land the largest possible mass on Mun, with the lightest initial rocket. Scoring: Competing Vessels mass on the Mun surface divided by it's mass on the pad. (Mass measurements must be taken with a Mechjeb unit) (Score = Mm / Mp) Required Evidence: A screen shot of the vessel on the pad, with the Mj Vessel information open and a screen shot of the vessel on the Mun, with the Mj Vessel information open. Competition Categories and Leader Boards: Stock category (Stock parts only + Mechjeb) 1. - 2. - 3. - NovaPunch category (NP parts only + Mechjeb) 1. - 2. - 3. -
  2. [Rant] I for one don\'t want to see the cannibalized into NovaPunch. No offense to it\'s creators, but this, here, is a cut above what NovaPunch did. That is evident now a Silisko is now working for squad. Nova should name a successor for this to continue separately until Nova finishes adding parts to KSP. as everyone can see in .16 the game is stuck between the old vanilla, C7, and new Nova parts. The effect is horrible, and ship construction is now much harder, until all the new parts are released. So now is the time where we need as much choice in parts packs as possible. [/Rant]
  3. I agree, that EVA is far to far in it\'s infantcy for the to be pre-implemented, however rare in flight repairs would be cool.
  4. I am using KSP version 15.2, and I just tried to load a DAE model, but the game only loaded the collider, has backward compatibility been dropped, or did I do something wrong?
  5. Ok so let me get this right the PartModuals for the default parts don\'t contain anything really important and to perform an appending override (one where my code is tagged onto the bottom of the function) I would do: base.onupdate() at the end of my protected void override onupdate() function. Anyone know what the messages the command pod yells at the ship are?
  6. guys I\'m currently developing a system where all parts will consume a resource when the recive certain in flight messages, (like the ones to fire RCS, or move canards, or lower legs, or... (you get the idea)) I\'m havving to problems with this: 1. how do I override the default PartModual classes without overriding there existing contents, or how do I obtain the existing code so I can paste it in with what I want to add. 2. I have no idea what the message strings are, what are they? (all of them)
  7. guys I\'m currently developing a system where all parts will consume a resource when the recive certain in flight messages, (like the ones to fire RCS, or move canards, or lower legs, or... (you get the idea)) I\'m havving to problems with this: 1. how do I override the default PartModual classes without overriding there existing contents, or how do I obtain the existing code so I can paste it in with what I want to add. 2. I have no idea what the message strings are, what are they? (all of them)
  8. I will say I can\'t do any better without mechjeb, but if you\'re going to cheat at least don\'t show the MJ GUI in your screenshots.
  9. I have to ask the coders question: Is this loaded before or after the normal pod?
  10. In the main post it states that ALL craft must have a ZO2 master system, can the next version have it, that unmanned vehicles do not require the system.
  11. I like the sound of this, however you have not stated any part\'s costs, as the in game ones are all 999 last time I checked
  12. The craft has enough fuel to select a landing site on both Minmus and the Mun. With better fuel management, one might be able to land back at the KSC, too. NOTE: The craft lacks any form of ASAS. When landing, precision controls are a must. The core/transfer/Mun orbiting/minmus orbiting/ minmus landing/ mun transfer/ mun orbiting/ mun landing/ mun departure stage has an SAS though, near the CoG, to help hold position. Hey the description clearly says stock parts. there is a MechJeb autopilot unit strapped to the side of that rocket
  13. Enter me for the challenge, Stock Class, no bonuses. (I can\'t even get the thing onto the mun)
  14. this might be in the wrong place, but: I have successfully completed this tutorial (very helpful thanks) I am now trying to make proper mod parts. my problem is that when I go to open a KSP vanilla part .DAE file (for reference) I get an error. Have these been obtrusified or am I doing something wrong?
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