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Everything posted by dvp

  1. Every time I try moving stuff around, and I put a part on the ground, it explodes. Is there some kind of workaround for that?
  2. Screenshots of ships exploding, mostly. Also, it might be nice to be able to '[' or ']' through local debris and clean it up quickly without having to go back to the tracking center.
  3. Couldn't you just drag some Class E asteroids into Jool orbit? Or are you trying to do the gravity ballet?
  4. I can delete ships in the tracking center, and I can destroy parts with the right "accidents" but... Or is that too sadistic?
  5. The low gravity is the problem, but it's not that rovers don't work well, it's just that to get the same stability you get on Mun or Kerbin, you have to have a much heavier rover, and you have to go slower. Heck, I almost flipped one just turning it around in place. I've got a 30 ton mining rover (drive over to ship, fuel it up, drive over to next ship, etc.) in the Minmus flats in career, and it's worked fine, but the practical speed limit is about 8m/s on the flats, 5m/s up and down hills. Any faster and I'm not so much driving as flying low.
  6. Finally figured out what Sepratrons are for! Of course, Youtube compressed the heck out of it.
  7. You see that RCS port? That one? Right there? That blocks EVA access. Goddamitsomuch.
  8. I've got two flights whose Kerbals seem... a bit off. One is a solo fueling rover on Minmus with a single engineer. The other is a science lab/lander, also on Minmus, with a crew of three. Both have been out there for 7+ years at this point. Maybe I'm just imagining things, but the facial expressions in the crew mini-windows seem a bit more... manic. It's more the animation being jerky/scary, really - screen shots don't really capture the effect. Are there any consequences for having Kerbals alone for a long time? And more importantly, does it effect their job performance? Also, are Kerbals randomly generated? I know Jeb and Valentina are the same every game, but is my Trawin Kerman the same as everybody else's Trawin Kerman, or do they have random stats/attributes/professions/genders/etc.?
  9. I know it's old hat for most of you, but in a first for me, I spent 40 minutes of IRL burn time (I don't trust physics warp on anything big) getting this 600+ ton (fully fueled) 381 part monstrosity: Here (behold glorious Duna insertion burn!): I assembled it in LKO from five launch payloads. The back end is a lander/miner/tanker which has enough d/v to work fine on the Mun, so I should have no trouble refueling it from Ike. I also have two small landers docked up front for gathering science from Ike's different biomes.
  10. Ore recovery mission. Went to Minmus, mined 3000 units of ore, lugged it back to Kerbin, landed with the help of about 80 parachutes, and... clicked recover before the 10 seconds were up. The resulting frown dimmed the lights. Cancelled the mission in disgust.
  11. Landed my space umbrella. Or maybe a space mushroom. Not sure. (I forgot to put parachutes on the pod/science combo on the left.)
  12. I decided I wanted a bigger tanker. It goes well with my Minmus fuel depot. Actually too well - it holds more fuel than the fuel depot.
  13. I figured out how to "radial mount" Clamp-o-tron Seniors. That's about 8 separate flights.
  14. Yeah, you'd have to do it the other way around - small local antennae, and a big relay.
  15. You can do it up to a point, but the larger constructs are kraken-bait. But yes, most of my stations are expandable. In career mode you will get missions to expand an existing station. So it's a good idea to always have a few docking ports free. I'll usually dock a few cheapo capsules/landers/recovery vehicles to bring rescuees back to Kerbin too.
  16. One of the mods I have includes part scaling. I assume it was intended for cosmetic reasons, except that part stats obey the square/cube rules, giving you ultra-high-capacity batteries, insanely huge and effective tail fins, and high powered rocketry basically immediately. A 5m diameter Kickback will put basically anything into orbit.
  17. It's the same infrastructure you need for anything else. The "problem" is that there's no real reason for any of it.
  18. Yeah, Minmus science is worth more. Although it's about +200m/s d/v for you initial burn for a Minmus intercept, you burn way less fuel landing and reorbiting, so it's easier to get there overall. Returning is easier too, since it's easier to escape Minmus' SOI and then you can aerobrake your way home.
  19. IMO, just wait until you have a LOT of tourists, then build a ship that will do all of the things they want to do. (leave Kerbin, touch-and-go on Mun, Minmus, Duna/Ike, etc.) Make every one a "grand tour". You'll need refueling stations in orbit of most/all of the planets/moons you've explored, though. But building infrastructure can be fun. Alternatively, build your logistical infrastructure so you can shuttle kerbals to/from various points - then the only ships you need to build/recover are the ones that get your kerbals into LKO and back.
  20. On further reflection it occurs to me that reaction wheels are scary and dangerous and I'm going to try and avoid them. Yeah, I just had another space stations shake itself to pieces because I forgot to turn torque wheels off. Screw these things. It doesn't matter how "magic" they are - the Kraken collects on its debts.
  21. That's a bit much - 90m/s is 200+ mph. A rover SHOULD shake itself to pieces if it hits a bump at that speed.
  22. Isn't there a "grand tour" type mission in career mode, that you get offered if you have enough reputation? To orbit all the planets with the same ship or something? You could probably consider that the "end."
  23. Did you do the rendezvous and docking tutorials? Running through those a few times made it really easy for me. Then '[' or ']' to switch to the other ship once you're within... 500m I think, with zero relative velocity, EVA and spacewalk across.
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