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Kernel Kraken

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Everything posted by Kernel Kraken

  1. We all know who he is. Bumpersticker Cabbagepatch played Doctor strange, did a documentary about 'Pengwings' and he even has his own meme. What are your favourite names for Bicycle chainrepair?
  2. Kernel Kraken


    Dice to garbage can. D20... What is your armor rating, the goblin rolled a one.
  3. 4/10 too shiny. And wrinkly. My (formerly) Orbital kinetic bombardment sattellite.
  4. Same here. It sounds like he's re-joining the KSP team... But nope.
  5. I travel back in time by running at Mach ten and take the origional hill. Because science. My hill.
  6. Granted. You are turned into a cleaning robot, doomed to clean tables for all eternity. I wish for a friend
  7. Doesn't matter, the rebellion were terrorists. YES. I WILL GET INTO THIS ARGUMENT.
  8. Scrolls sent to the land afar by means of a noble horse? (Talk like the people in a Monty Python movie, specifically the Holy Grail)
  9. Holy heck this is great. This gets my full support. Signed under the first name/ last name of Kernel Kraken from Nowhere, Vermont, 19210, with mrbean@hotmail.com.
  10. 10/10 holy crap you're everywhere.
  11. No, but I've been thinking of it. I feel like that new color of blue that's in the new Crayola crayon might look cool. TUBM listens to Linkin Park and as a consequence I will now distance myself from TUBM.
  12. 7/10, you will never succeed. They are impossibly hard to catch. To the next person: Listen the 'Basket Case' by Green Day before rating me.
  13. Granted, but the wifi is always 1/2 of a byte per second. I want the power to manipulate probability. As in: The probability of someone dropping a million dollars for me is now one hundred percent.
  14. I betray the hill alliance, and activate the self destruct on their hill. All of the planet is destroyed and I build a concrete bunker. My hill.
  15. I think @Tonka Crash needs some education.
  16. Granted. You get a glass jar full of nothing. The glass is extremely thin, however, so the vacuum inside the car shatters it in your hands, creating painful gashes. The medical bills amount to so much that you now have nothing. I wish for a sea green Fender Stratocaster.
  17. The red planet liver Man who possesses tendencies of a flying animal: city darkness Amazing Homo Sapiens Sapiens A guide on conditioning a flying reptile which can breathe fire to be docile.
  18. Are you colorblind? Like, you can only see green?
  19. If there's a sales call awnser with: "Texas Discount Crematorium, you kill 'em, we grill 'em. This is Eight Ball speaking". I tried this once but was too busy giggling to get it out. I was in the middle of class. I looked stupid.
  20. Or possible a Diroxy Neuclaeic Acid molecule. I'm a few kerbals tall, given an average of ~1.5 human feet.
  21. It's a widespread MMO made up entirely of user- made games. Most are trash, but there are a few that are nice. To the OP- Yeah, the mods suck. If you violated the terms of service, you're screwed. If anyone that was in a game violated a term of service, then you're probably in trouble. If you try to report someone for a violation, well, there's orpbably a 99.9 percent chance that your request will be ignored. Just cause you paid money doesn't mean you can't be banned.
  22. 0/10 no spaceship. (Insert picture of UNSC infinity)
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