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Kernel Kraken

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Everything posted by Kernel Kraken

  1. If plastic is made from oil, and oil is made from long dead organisms (ie, dinosaurs) then plastic dinosaurs are made out of real dinosaurs. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  2. Your name is either the best or worst Viking title ever: Noah the Smol, Cute, Warm and Fuzzy! Conqueror or Lands! Eater of Foods! Welcome to the forums!
  3. You are wrong. The top one are potato sticks, the bottom are potato frisbees. EDIT I want some potato sticks with salt, pepper, vinegar, and fried in the oil that Buffalo wild wings uses.
  4. I cannot play without tweakscale.... Even with no visual mods, I haven't played stock in like three years.
  5. You get a half millimeter taller, you get to be a baller but break your ankle, you get a girl who looks good by your astronomically low standards, you break your cell phone after getting her number, the rabbit dies and you crash your car. I wish I was 4 inches taller.
  6. This is what I was referencing. I love the forum. English Is a pain, even from a native English speaker who's a bit of a spelling pedant, but it can be understood through very tough thorough thought. Think about it very thoroughly.
  7. If Congress hadn't basically shut NASA down in the 70's, we would have definitely gotten farther. 60's stuff it is!
  8. You get a heaping bowl of nothing. I want a fly soup.
  9. Because I've run out of places to find memes.
  10. I prefer the project Pluto engine (or any nuclear engine) (at least, if they're not used for destroying stuff)
  11. ...Buy a copy of the declaration of Independence and eat it. If they fail to do so within ten minutes....
  12. Darn grits! Brash themes. Full of Junk Mean mishapen beanbags.moo. Wild, brah. Furries made lunch.
  13. I have a fat, flightless parrot with floppy ears and four legs and sheds everywhere. TUBM Lives in a non-english-speaking country.
  14. @purpleivan, do you do Photoshop tutorials? I was trying to Photoshop Chris Pratt and Jack Black's faces on to an engraving of the Boston massacre, but it looked, well, awful.
  15. The Li-ion battery's teeth fall out because it bit @TeslaPenguin1's body armor.
  16. How did this go from Beneficial Carrotstick to how to fix a bike?
  17. Mods is good. I like mods. My mods is BDAc and Airplane Plus.
  18. 7/10, short, simple, to the point. To the next poster; Listen to Green Day's Basket Case. That Is my rank/ location.
  19. Which only distributes Benedict Cumberbatch Pengwing dolls.
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