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Kernel Kraken

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Everything posted by Kernel Kraken

  1. I don't mind FPSes, some are pretty fun, like Day of Infamy. Mostly because it's realistic. I hate mindless shooters like any and every CoD after Modern Warfare Three, or Fortnite.
  2. That was for the Kerbal Express Airlines challenge. It was to demonstrate my point of not being able to large plane. I wanna try a C-5 though. If you look at the name tag in the second pic you can see that it's the KrakenTech Monstrosity MX-9001 II
  3. I "Might" have this "done" by, say, next Wed Nes Day. But it might not fly. Or not explode on loading, like my countless other megabuilds... That used to be this:
  5. Yeah, I don't check this challenge much. I normally only come to mess with mods. It only notifies someone if you summon them.
  6. And I'm one of the 28- point- something percent of people who have roughly 400 rep!
  7. C5 Galaxy Dibs. Save me autostrut.... It's not that simple though. There are complex shapes right?
  8. To 'Summon' someone, you need to put an @ symbol, then their full username. A little scroll list will appear. Click on the one that you want to soon. Summoning moderators is fun. Like this: @Kernel Kraken Or @Ho Lam Kerman
  9. Endless cycle of paranoia. paranoiaception.
  10. Welcome to the forums, ya n00b!
  11. I use Windows and Linux under the term PC, as they are the two most common on homebuilts and storeboughts alike.
  12. Nothing yet, but when I get home I'll make a few bombers, fly them in formation with the BDAc autopilot/ AI (Which is sadly a better pilot than I am) and shoot them all down with my new defense fighter:
  13. Yes. Overwhelmingly yes. My only advice: Get it on PC with Steam. From my friend who has console, @Xpira, it lags like crap. With steam, you can have it on all your PCs, Macs (BARF) or a windows phone with a mouse and keyboard, without having to buy it again. ( @Xpira told me to put that last paragraph).
  14. ...Mabye. Not sure though. @Dman979, I presume?
  15. I thought theirs wouldn't show up on radar and/or dispense munitions at enemy racers from a concealed bay. I just realized the only difference between NG's stealthy aircraft and LM's is one makes fighters and the other makes bombers. I just described both an F-22 and a B-2/ B-21...
  16. I feel like you clicked the wrong emoji... Unless you're in love with waiting?
  17. Do mind if it's large? We also have the soda in the Big Smoke combo: Two number Nine's, A number nine large, a number six with extra dip, two number forty fives, (one with cheese), and, of course, a large soda. I want a Number forty five!
  18. I wanna mess with @Dman979. It's obligatory for me now.
  19. But the 'sploshuns' don't look like real- ish 'sploshuns anymore :(. Anyone know if there's an old 'sploshuns mod?
  20. I don't remember if I've posted here, but I'll say it anyways. The entire reason I made an account in the first place was to thank you for this excellent add-on, which I've followed since 1.2. Thanks for putting work into this and expecting nothing in return. Though the bug with the endless splash radius to planes is annoying...
  21. Now your profile picture is... Mary Poppins?

  22. Yeah, since all y'all Canadians are riding around on your polar bears to work in an igloo all day, then spend your lunch break at Tim Hortons. Makes sense you aren't cold. I love Canadian stereotypes.
  23. Yeah, they'd have to bring it down. With the energy bill, fuel bill, and budget cuts, you couldn't afford to maintain it.
  24. I feel like i've heard that 'it ain't easy' before... I might be from the region you mentioned This is why I don't coffee, but when I don't have soda in two days (give or take) I get splitting headaches... I don't think the withdrawal is worth it for me.
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