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Kernel Kraken

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Everything posted by Kernel Kraken

  1. Bit that's a Big Mac! Just noticed the new emojis. Now I have more emojis I'll probably not use!
  2. I honestly have no clue. Every two months it says something about Disk damage then I have to reformat it.
  3. I de- orbit my nuclear- missile armed star Dreadnoughts and start blasting away at the Enemies of the Motherland. THIS. IS. HILLEMPIIIIIRRRRRREEE!
  4. Crap, now I have to go back to One point four point whatever...
  5. I said it Bob-Lock, but he wasn't alive long enough to keep his name
  6. Yeah.... I think it is too. I'm too lazy to order a new HDD, and I haven't had any problems since the last reformat (~ three months now) I just hope it's only my HDD. I'm scared to try to fix it as the last time I tried to open a PC somehow I ended up frying the power supply, not the other way around.
  7. Sometimes mine resets at 21:00, other times at 01:00, or 08:00. Make up your mind forums.
  8. I'm mostly using Linux for casual purposes. I've decided to dual boot Mint with Win10- I like windows, even though it wrecks my HDD every two months and I have to reformat it... Budum [KSP.exe is not responding] Heh heh... Get it? Badum- Crash? I'll stop now.
  9. Out of likes.... This is an accurate representation of nearly every Apple user. A lot of them are smart though, like the aforementioned IT dudes.
  10. Billy-boblock Kerman, the BadS crash test dummy with thumbs.
  11. I don't mind the opinions as much as I mnd the blatant disregard for fact. If you like Macs, fine by me. But there are options out there (like, say, a gaming hackintosh) which still have MacOS, are much cheaper, and are much, much more powerful. And these.people have the balls to claim their 2013 MacBook pro is more powerful than my gaming PC. Not you specifically, just most Mac people I know don't even know the specs of their Mac. (16 gb of DDR4, GTX1060 3Gb, i5-6600k on my PC, for $716 on sale. Checkmate Mac superiortists).
  12. Ahh.... Oops. I haven't watched the movies in years, only watched A New Hope a few months ago.
  13. Whoop WHOOOOP! 

    400 reputation meter points three weeks after 300 rep! I'm either really good at internet's or I just make a fool of myself. Hey, what's the difference?

    1. Piatzin


      Lol :D

      Also, out of likes...

  14. Still have my mountain! I use a flight group of Star- Dreadnoughts to escape to Eve before Kerbin is destroyed in a civil war.
  15. Ok, then its open source designs for gyrocopter. I could 'try' to make one... You ever notice how Yoda says 'Do or do not, there is no try' then he says 'Only a sith deals in absolutes'? Hippocryte...
  16. I bet a gyrocopter would be qualified. It has a rolling takeoff and only uses the rotors as wings, not propulsion.
  17. I don't use the DLC because I haven't bought it because I used my last steam gift card on Children of a Dead Earth. Which I suck at. I kinda wish I had bought the DLC.
  18. Ok Wow! Oh. My gawd. Guys. This is a 'HOT!' tagged thread! Thanks so much guuuyyyyyys! I cannot to a snobby teenage girl voice over a text interface...
  19. Yeah I guess so! I think I'm going to try dual booting Mint and Windows 10, I don't really know why. It seems like it would be a bit easier to adjust to a new OS if I could periodically use my old Windows.
  20. So far I'm hearing mint. Then there's these other ones I've never heard of an am looking up right now. I really like the Windows 10 desktop, because It seems easy to use yet still capable of doing stuff. I've just grown a distrust of windows after it messed up my disk like 3 times then I had to reset it. I heard Linux is also a lot more stable in general, too. Is there a windows- like desktop available?
  21. But by definition, my mountain is safe. A hill is defined as a mound rising 2,000 feet above it's base.
  22. Hey y'all, I'm planning to switch to Linux something soon. Do you recommend a certain one? (Ubuntu, mint, ect...) I was thinking of mint but I want to make sure.
  23. .... He did build a hackintosh. Thanks for actually writing this out, it's an interesting story. Most people fly I to a spitting range similiar to the Tazmanian Devil from Merry Melodies (say loony toons one more time. I dare you, other people I've used that analogy in front of.) My 'rant' (which now looks effortless and puny, that can be my complaint) was more focused on their mobile products as the Macs and things are usually pretty good. I had never put much attention into the PC side of Apple, but now I feel like I have to look some things up! Jeez, I need put more research into my mini- rants.
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