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Kernel Kraken

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Everything posted by Kernel Kraken

  1. England. It's a city. England is my city.
  2. The only way it affects my gameplay is the way I hire Kerbals. If you're stupid and courageous enough, you're in.
  3. I use a @roboslacker tranquilizer and put you in a cage.
  4. GG No Re M9! 1v1 Me M8 I'll shrekt you in the face! Knives only! Call of Duty Infinite Warface!
  5. I had finished building my SLS, and wanted to test it. At launch, the Mün was just barely over the horizon, and when i launched I pointed my rocket directly at the Mün. I got an intercept. I then crashed on the Mün due to poor timewarp management.
  6. So you just keep a cube on your person at all times? Jeez, I can't even scramble a cube.
  7. Given that that are most likely vegetation, who can say. If their mammalian, then it depends on what section of the Kerbal you're trying to eat. The ham would be most likeley be some kind of red meat, seen as Kerbal's have a slow, lumbering walk and an ever- so- awkward limping run. It is more likely, though, that it'd be white meat, so they could put out short bursts of energy. The arms would be too. Humanoid creatures aren't the best for meat, unless there are Kerbal body builders. So, probably like chicken. Because of the white meat. Why do you want to know what they taste like? Are you some kind of Kannible?
  8. I have a complaint about this thread: if I like a complaint does that mean I enjoy their struggles, have empathy for them, or just like the post? If it's the first one it probably says something about my personality.
  9. Roses are red, I'm not part of a Clique. We should all come here And feel free to click.
  10. The more you know, then! Ok... Manchester.
  11. At least it's not ricegum, gosh I dethspiiiise him...
  12. Back in MY Day? Well, I don't own a day. There is no 'my' day. Idioms are stupid.
  13. I feel like every rocket launch I have ever done deserves to be here. Planes are a different story. I once was using TweakScale'd B- Wings to make wings for my cargo liner, but I couldn't lift the huge body without huge wings. I made the wings huge and the lift force tore off the wings.... I had unbreakable joints on. At least it took off before snapping.
  14. I used to think I had some sort of Isomnia, but I recently discovered I'm just really into introspection. Once a month, give or take, I can't get to sleep until like 03:00 AM because I'm just thinking, random stuff about life and physics until I exaust my brain enough. Most of my opinions and philosophies are based on this, and I love it, as I didn't just see what my parents said and believe that and I have my own opinions, but the artificial isomnia sucks too. On the bright side I can give an opinion on almost anything.. but reminding myself of this has reminded me of the idea that we might be in a simulation and the world could be fake and I could be an AI on some computer and... That's my train of thoughts on sleepless nights.
  15. 278: derailing a thread through mention of Take Two/ complaining about the EULA on non EULA threads.
  16. Send 'em to the Gulags. Anywhere with snow, I'd suggest Duna's ice caps.
  17. Lockpick: 100. My fallout character can crack master locks, bwahahahahaha!
  18. 270: getting into an argument with me over anything. I will not stop argueing.
  19. When your walk is slowly becoming more like that of a Kerbal's. I really need to stop.
  20. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.silverdollarcity.com/theme-park&ved=2ahUKEwiBs4WNprXaAhWh5IMKHejdBgwQFjAmegQIBRAD&usg=AOvVaw0ePnQkc1qb3Qg1Zt0PmZh6
  21. I thought fortnite was a torture chamber designed to numb pain while releasing dopamine to disguise the torture/ enslavement.
  22. Ok, say stop when you want me to stop with the lightbulb grater. Waiter, there's wind in my soup.
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