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Kernel Kraken

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Everything posted by Kernel Kraken

  1. On the theoretical physics side of things, it does seem plausible. But how would you store that much helium to cool your craft if it's, say, the size of an F-22? Liquids aren't very compressible, so you'd need large tanks, which would be very hard to conceal. Smaller tanks would work, considering it's hypersonic and flight time would be short. Dang it thermodynamics and ENTROPY.
  2. Enter.... http://The T-14 Armata, Russia's new Main Battle Tank.
  3. For me it's: Morning: Nothin. Afternoon: Dr. Pepper Evening: Dr. Pepper. Doctor pepper is love, Doctor pepper is life.
  4. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DaEdHvbjmUU8&ved=0ahUKEwjc-6O-waPaAhVGaq0KHdDUD8EQuAIIJzAA&usg=AOvVaw36cYbo6M_7fStFLcH9ZIjz Here's frosted churros. Waiter! I want a glass of Dihydrogen Monoxide.
  5. I capture Denali, then turn it into a huge bunker- base with storage for 3 of our huge Zeppelin's, hundreds of tanks, and steam aircraft lauch systems taken from an aircraft carrier. I dig a huge man-made extention to the Pacific ocean, that makes the Denali Site (area 2297) beachfront property from which our hill empire can launch Gerald R Ford class ships and battleships from the naval battles threads.
  6. Good point, it just seems that coffee contains more caffeine per cup (depending on the Brew) I just despise the taste of coffee. Hot Chocolate is better in my opinion. What is wrong with you? Sarcasm is the best defense... unless you want to be patient. I generally see myself as very slow to anger, I will only resort to yelling or punching something if someone is pestering me for 2 hours straight, so I just use sarcasm to defend myself. Last time I flipped out was when a little kid at the neighborhood pool kept shooting me and a group of people with a super soaker. I ripped it out of his hands and threw it farther than I knew I could throw something... Like 10 feet. Whener I use patience it goes down like a Pokemon move: TheMadKraken2297 used PATIENCE! Two hours later: Patience is not very effective! TheMadKraken2297 used throw the nearest thing against the wall! It's super effective! Huh. I just made a rant. Cool.
  7. I Find Kerbiloid and his Ozonator, mistaking it for a bomb. I shoot at Kerbiloid.
  8. Here's a dose sun... Chips.
  9. I build a private transport airship with Light Amplification by Stimulated Emissions of Radiation beams to shoot stuff down, which operate on star Wars physics.
  10. Kernel Kraken


    Orbit to flat earthers! Marvin the Martain to Earth- Shattering KABOOM! Wait, where's the Kaboom? There's supposed to be an Earth- Shattering KaBOOM!
  11. My daily complaint! I don't drink coffee so I have no real caffeine intaaaaaaaaakee... (Falls asleep)
  12. Since I last posted that I changed my viewpoint slightly: I have no personal info on my PC. So what the heck, I can leave it on my phone. Screw you, T2!
  13. I prefer the Undertale OST. Right now I have Let it Go stuck in my head.... This is why Pixar is better than Disney. Much more story- focused than little kid target audience focused.
  14. This is my exact same situation. My only exception to the "you no see my unfinished art" rule is if the person is offering legitimate advice (or that cute artsy girl in my class).
  15. Here's to bottles of catsup. Waiter, there's a Kerbiloid in my soup!
  16. Kernel Kraken


    T-14 Armata to gunfight.
  17. That did make sense. You're the cool mod. Along with most of the mods. I just realized this forum is better than all others combined... What Is wrong with the internet.
  18. I hear that. The Quesodillas from Qdoba are amazing, but at, say, a Chipotle, they suck. It depends on how you cook it. I, as of right now, desspiiisse vegetables. I might find a way that I like them some time. I have this too, but with art. I'm in class, hunched over a sketchbook, and the first thing people say is: "HEY WHAT ARE YOU DRAWING!!" "Uh... An astronaut from Astroneer, with a cowboy hat, riding a rover" (I atually drew this.) "CAN I SEE IT BECAUSE IM NOT SPITTING IN YOUR FACE AND BURSTING OUT YOUR EARDRUMS!?!?!?!" "Not now" "WHY?" "Because it's not fin-" WHY "-ished, the shadi-" WHY "-ng is off and-" WHY? (punches the interrupting cow) Please leave me alone, I'm trying to draw. I just realized why I'm an introvert...
  19. Washington, DC, is manufacturing illegal substances for dogs.
  20. I take my Rifle and Rob the trade him, gaining several thousand dollars of contraband.
  21. Since @roboslacker only got triple-A A's, I take a tank a Rob Walmart and gain 20,000 double-A's.
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