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Kernel Kraken

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Everything posted by Kernel Kraken

  1. I find this hard to believe... You maged to completely cut off a coffee- pot- a- day coffee habit in the two weeks since you last complained about your coffee pot running out? Impressive.
  2. What if we asked for a history of wins in horse racing in the recent future?
  3. I think my little (haha, yeah right) fighter is ready for me to submit. Now all I have to do is procrastinate and blame it on tweaking control surfaces or whatever. ETA- 3 days.
  4. Ok, this is my most liked post. This post exposes my woeful incompetence. Thanks.
  5. For me it's been more like an 'UhhOuuurrrfdffffff', but when moving fast at the time of death (which causes the pitch to be distorted according to the speed at death) it seems more of an 'Oof'.
  6. Weird note: the 'Oof' sound is listed as 'uuhhh' in the Roblox files. You might be kicked if you tried to edit the files. I'm sad I can't replace every sound with 'Pootis'.
  7. You dang kids with yer fancy windows ten and yer whoosy- what it phones and yer over- restrictive operating systems! Back in my day we manually put punchcards into the computer lab! Bah, disrespectful kids...
  8. Hey Siri, what does.... Eliquiddehmology mean? EDIT: just realised that a less than savoury version of the word 'urine' was used in the above mispronounciation. Apparently it's autocorrected to 'quidd'
  9. Jeb and Val and the Terrible, Horrible, No-Good Very Bad Day: Crashing into theatres near you soon! (Or whenever I finish the project that horrified the BadSes- is that the plural of BadS?) ...bruh. Is this kind of agility specific to the plane turning into the robot or are there specific design characteristics that you took advantage of?
  10. People are building everything from paramotors to turboprops and here I am launching land ships off the runway...
  11. Danny? As a Roblox player, I'm disappointed Ted that I do not know the awnser. Sorry bro
  12. You know those 'dream signs'? Once I 'spawned' in a dream on the street where I lived, except it was a lucid dream. I tried counting my fingers and the 'dream signs' thing was true- I had counted 8 identical index fingers before I began to get severely creeped out and my brain woke me up. For some reason I only remember my dreams if I'm really deprived of sleep, but thanks to homework, a wrecked sleep schedule, and an early wake up for school, I should start rembering more.
  13. The only way to win is not to play, eh? (Why I stopped argueing in this thread)
  14. This is also the reason I haven't switched yet. Side question to the people that keep awnsering my stupid questions: why did yos guys switch to Linux? What do you think the biggest advantage over windows is?
  15. Here's a sneak peak of my ground attack aircraft. I bet I can refit it as a fighter and submit it later.
  16. sorry, I threw away my iScream X. I switched to Android. Waiter! I want a vanilla mousse!
  17. And if you make the character's realistic, give the game a map big enough for sniling to matter, give it good weapon physics, along with: Scopes on any long gun Licsened real weaponry Realistic ballistics Vehicles Diverse locations and small In- between areas Challenging gunplay which is not reliant on how fast you can hit the jump button Armor Backpacks Diverse sniper weaponry Good graphics Then no one will like and/ or play it.
  18. And with Amazon I can do it without physical human interaction! Edit: I'll download Mint and dual-boot it with Windows 10 by (in my time zone, 'MURICA! standard time) Sunday... Hopefully. Should I get a separate HDD to boot it off of? A terrabyte isn't very expensive anymore so I'm considering it.
  19. Trusting a big cooperation? You people disgust me. Stick it to the MAN and refuse to support money- sucking, sickening cooperation! Nah, just joking. But I think we can sue them for false advertising and if we play our cards right get Squad more funding or pay every modder two hundred bucks.
  20. And I think you got the specs wrong... 'All- Beef Patties' seems a bit sketchy. I think it's a McDonald's Highly- Processed Psuedo- Beef- Like- Product- With- Beef- In- it.
  21. No... Dude... Just... Please stop this.
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