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  1. Installed it and the names are still messed up one name is #autoLOC_SMIndustries_6000028
  2. when i load into the game the parts appear but the names are messed up i am not using bd armory 1.2 i am using the 1.4, version is this the cause of the bug or is there another reason.
  3. I'm sure there is a fix that i dont now about it but i'm using this mod in realism overhaul and all of the probes wont deploy the only probes that work are the ones where only the solar panels deploy, i have reinstalled the mod and it still does not work is there a fix for this.
  4. i know this is a old thread but is there any chance you could update the download link whenever i click on it it says the webpage is not found
  5. just to make sure i installed everything i need, what are the dependencies for the mod
  6. I re downloaded the mod with sstu and i got more parts but not all of them and the Realism overhaul configs are still not working properly. and just to be sure are the only requirements sstu and canadarm or do they come with the download.
  7. when i install the Mod most of the parts don"t show up and the realism overhaul configs i downloaded from hellblazer don"t work is there a way to fix this.
  8. I am having a problem with the Saturn v craft that comes with the mod, the lunar module adapter fairings wont separate from the rest of the craft also the command and service module also wont separate from the rocket is there any way to fix this in game or using a mod?
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