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Everything posted by Mecripp

  1. Took out DMagic Mod and all work now but the take picture so your MOD and DMagic don't play nice.
  2. I think it got off the path, I thought you was to show how you do what you do in Unity and blender and what ever and how you get it in the game now it's like you all make a part and post it very little is shown how you did it but then again Cpt.Kipard might be right. P.s all you do a great job thanks.
  3. After talk with DMagic as thought it was ScanSat at first think it comes down to, I have DMagic mod installed too and the same EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION in LH and in DMagic Orbital Science may be the problem will try and find all the same EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION and take them out and see how it works.
  4. And you guys are great thanks for all the help and the mod for me it's a must have.
  5. Could, I change it to Edit- Was just trying to think of away they can be wrote so it didn't happen again.
  6. And sorry off Topic or your mod but just to ask how can LH mod block Crew reports when it doesn't have a plugin ? Edit- Yes I do Edit- OK now, I think, I see its like some MODULE don't play nice on the same part so if, I go in and take out the same experiment definitions it may work ? Edit- Again sorry but does some experiment ID's not play nice with other's on the same part ?
  7. It was the one he posted here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80661-DEV-SCANsat-v7-0rc1-Real-Scanning-Real-Science-at-Warp-Speed%21-May-22?p=1188818&viewfull=1#post1188818 Edit- As far as the 'analyze' button on the MapTraq don't know what ver. it was got to many installs, got to stop that but there so many good mods and then, I get to pulling mods out of installs and forget what ones got updated.
  8. whoops lol you should check them out lol sorry thinking faster then can type and can't type at all and it just 1 button will load up and see. Edit- Well with that build the button is dead now don't know what build it was. Edit-- 3 think some are yours lol
  9. Think it Build 6 it says in the read me file and, I didn't change anything just a cfg to add it to command parts MapTraq was like the cpu of ScanSat you had to have it to open maps and save data and with the 'analyze' button on it you could send all the data from all the Scanners on that craft and LH = Lionhead_Aerospace_Inc. Edit - taking it off now you have to click on ever scanner and analyze and send. Edit - should check them on they are some nice sat in the probe and lander pack but as of now there are some bugs in them. Link http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/12106-0-23-5-Lionhead-Aerospace-Inc-Probes-and-Landers-Pack-updated
  10. With your mod installed on command pods there is no crew or EVA reports take your mod out and there back so some how your mods is messing with crew and eva reports. EDIT-- was using the Kerbnik which had no Science on it and the Munar Orbiter but with them in game lost crew and eva reports on commandpods. Edit -2 and had the Voyager probe. Edit -3 The LH_MunarOrbiter the take picture don't show up in game and see that you didn't add the resource film & LH_Kerbnik don't have a button Transmit radio signal & LH_Hermes didn't have mysteryGoo & didn't have it in but LH_Zeus as the take picture but you didn't add the resouce.
  11. There is a bug with the Landers and Probes Pack they take out the crew and eva reports.
  12. I can get Science from over parts but ScanSat's and my Crew and EVA Reports are gone but, I'm trying a new Life support mod let me take it out and check. Edit-- Wasn't the new LS mod and the ScanSat maps are not showing up on the RPM screens. Edit2-- Put the old ScanSat back in and got the maps to come backup on the RPM but still no Crew or EVA or Scanner Science and the MapTraq did have the 'analyze' button so you could click on it and didn't have to click on all the Scanners to click the analyze button which was nice. Edit 3 -- OK LH mod took out EVA and Crew reports Edit 4-- ok all good but RPM maps had to start new career after taking LH out.
  13. Try'ed this ver. and the Analyze button don't do anything and don't show up on the MapTraq part so can get Science points now for maps ? Edit -- Just thought to look in debug and get this [Error]: [R&D]: No Experiment definition found with id SCANsatAltimetryLoRes <-- changes to what one you click on but all the same.
  14. The Install should be KSP/GameData/BobCatind/HOME* Edit if you look at a prop.cfg you will see //-------------------page1------------------------------ PAGE { button = butpower text = BobCatind/HOME2/Props/HOMEMFD60x20/p0_home40x20.txt default = yes } Just post 1 to keep it short. Edit- I most have downloaded it before you changed it my bad
  15. Are the download links to the older mod says 2.3.5 and post says new's is 2.3.52 ?
  16. It was with any pod that can hold crew but launched with out crew. Edit-- Forgot also, I made this cfg to added it to other mods
  17. Here is a path from a file /-------------------page1------------------------------ PAGE { button = butoff text = BobCatind/HOME2/Props/HOMEHUD40x20/p0_home40x20.txt } Edit --- @CERVERUS you have any craft files you would share of rover or any of this mod ? Edit - @sp1989 I put both home and home3 or 2 in KSP/GameData/BobCatind/
  18. Found it , It was the homes folder was looking for a zip but it's not zipped and @Dragon01 the install needs to look like KSP/GameData/BobCatind/HOME2/ or some of the RPM's are not going to work. Edit and thanks CERVERUS but it was in there, I didn't see it at first.
  19. There no download for sfr Command Pods thats a dead link ? EDIT- My bad, I see it now.
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