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Everything posted by Mecripp

  1. Try'ed to use the as a hydraulic pump but haven't got it to work same as making a MM file with a list of parts to use it but no luck.
  2. Any updates ? and what are you trying to do with ?
  3. Are All the files where they should be http://i.imgur.com/oE9v81N.png and 1 MM in KSP/GameData
  4. Do you have a CFG for Aies ? never had a problem like that with them or NovaPunch. For Aies ---https://www.dropbox.com/s/u4rmssjke0oamgf/RemoteTech_AIES_3.cfg
  5. Did you mean to post that here or RPM page ? thats not the ALCOR Capsule.
  6. Here is 1 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/40667-0-23-0-23-5-WIP-TAC-Life-Support-0-8-22Dec?p=1107367&viewfull=1#post1107367
  7. You need this mod LandingHeight height is the low's part on the craft to ground and thought normal KSP height was from center mass of craft.
  8. That all you have of that engine or you just cut the file up so it wouldn't be that long ?
  9. LOL thats a funny PIC still says you 67m. hehe guess it could be -67
  10. By looking at one of HotRockets it's using just stock sound, And did you delete the MP_Nazari folder and reinstall it ? Edit---- You still have to tell it where the sound file is like this are just 1 sound clip out of the 3 you have to set.EDIT there is 1 from KW and Stock and the 1 that KSPRC changed
  11. The MM just made it so you didn't have to copy over all the stock parts but it still replaces the Module name that alot of mod's tie in to. EDIT -- Don't get me wrong there both great idea's and would love to see them in game.
  12. Are you running ActiveTextureManagement mod for 1 of your bugs must be on your end and you have MJ install? not a dev build.
  13. Look to see if you have the sound clips, KSPRC change the sound on, I think 1 booster Should be 2 sound files in there Hope it helped.
  14. Here you go https://www.dropbox.com/s/2f8mbw9thuicvz1/HotRockets_7_Nazari_fix_.zip
  15. Bad thing about Kerbal Mechanics: Parts can now fail! mod isn't mod friendly as it replacing modules and that was bad and for that his mod is looking like it's dead now.
  16. Maybe how smart the kerbal is on how good the repair and is this going to be more mod friendly then http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/75734-WIP-023-%28ARM-Compatible%29-Kerbal-Mechanics-Parts-can-now-fail%21/page4
  17. @PART[longAntenna]:FOR[AntennaRange]:NEEDS[!RemoteTech2] { %MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] { %name = ModuleLimitedDataTransmitter nominalRange = 1500000 maxPowerFactor = 8 maxDataFactor = 4 } } @PART[mediumDishAntenna]:FOR[AntennaRange]:NEEDS[!RemoteTech2] { %MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] { %name = ModuleLimitedDataTransmitter nominalRange = 30000000 maxPowerFactor = 8 maxDataFactor = 4 } } @PART[commDish]:FOR[AntennaRange]:NEEDS[!RemoteTech2] { %MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] { %name = ModuleLimitedDataTransmitter nominalRange = 80000000000 maxPowerFactor = 8 maxDataFactor = 4 } } In both cases, the antennae deployed when transmitting, then retracted. Manual operation of the antenna also worked. Just using your file and thats it the stock antennae are locked in there state, I can transmit data but they don't deploy and making the 2 cfg, I post they both do different thing with the menu. Will change MM to what you have in the folder and see how they turn out maybe a bug with MM 2.1 Edit- Samething with MM 2.08 https://www.dropbox.com/s/9qk6df6ju0c64jr/screenshot2.png ------- https://www.dropbox.com/s/24n1no4duyuydr2/screenshot3.png ----- thats just running with what you have in folder.
  18. Can some 1 tell me what, I'm doing wrong or why is ModuleAnimateGeneric changing with this mod AntennaRange the Squad longAntenna will be locked if you use @ and won't if you use % using MM 2.1 EDIT Found, I had a conflicting cfg.
  19. Don't see why ModuleAnimateGeneric is changing with either 1, The only thing that should be changing is with either 1 is ModuleDataTransmitter but with @ the Stock Antenna's are locked and with % there not.
  20. I can see that in away but like, I said it's just a cfg change anyway just need something for food but got part for so no big deal and ECLSS is also updating and sound like it's adding water or food then guess make a cfg lol, I used ECLSS because of the parts but the bug where you can't EVA made me change. and thanks for the tip about TaranisElsu will try and find it.
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