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Everything posted by Mecripp

  1. What have you lost ? if you use KSO it there are alot of mods with parts that will let you have control with out a connection.
  2. Did you install hotfix too http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/56399-0-23-RemoteTech-2-v1-3-3-Late-Christmas-Edition?p=901076&viewfull=1#post901076 and the new MM is 2.03 https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/ModuleManager/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/jenkins-ModuleManager-2/ModuleManager-2.0.3.zip you just need 1 MM
  3. All of them, there not working the just send a NullReferenceException it's doesn't spam just when, I click to lower them. EDIT I was getting same error when clicking the gear button but will try G key thank biohazard15. EDIT you where right Biohazard15 no error on clicking gear button and G key works thanks again happy landing now.
  4. If you are still having ram problem check you skybox pic and see what there set at alot are 4096x4096 you can change them to 2048x2048 and save 10% on ram.
  5. have you try'ed resizing EarthNRM to 4096x2048 ? And are you using RT2 ?
  6. Is any 1 else having a problem with the landing leg's keep getting NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object [Orbit Targeter]: Target is null when trying to deploy them ?
  7. O man forgot about that video clip that was a better 1 and the new parts look great ever one is making the N1 now lol the only problem, I had was, I made a new install for NP and copy over some mods from other install that had HotRockets in it and didn't think about zipping up the NP.cfg in it so it double the FX on 2 of the Engine other then that great job love the new boosters you did have 1 engine thought the bell should have been bigger but no big deal they all look great. Edit and think the Delta II will be my new SAT launcher
  8. Think you miss understand me the smoke stopping is great but, I want the flames to stop too and change the flames FX to the FX you have for the RMA-3 so it looks real. Why shouldn't they it's more real looking ? I don't want flames in space LOL, I want it to look real. EDIT But there is still not much if any flame in space.
  9. Is there away to make all engines look like the RMA-3 FX when out of atmosphere ? And need to note that anyone using HotRockets needs zip up or edit the np_hotrockets.cfg that comes with HotRockets or it doubles the FX on some of the engines. Edit Like the smoke stops at set ALT can we make a cfg the makes the FX change at set ALT ?
  10. @Tiberion Great job love the new stuff, how can, I fix the bug smoking on the 2nd stage at the launch pad and in flight and the FX on RMA-3 awesome. EDIT I most have a cfg some where with those engines to add coolrockets and they where run all the time took out coolrockets fix it and mean, I really liked the FX on the RMA-3 not that there was a problem there just cool FX thats all.
  11. Don't forget about this 1 it's close to what blizzy got http://www./download/7c6nrgngsjmypss/SCANsatALTv0.11.zip
  12. LOL awesome did it shot that far ? need him jumping off the roof fire and hope it hits the building lol .
  13. Showing you here look at this post it as 2 stations http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/56399-0-23-RemoteTech-2-0-23-5-Not-supported%21-Wait-for-0-24%21-Busy%21?p=1115204&viewfull=1#post1115204 EDIT are you using RSS ?
  14. This is what, I use for RSS kerbal size. ConsumptionMultiplier = 1 RangeMultiplier = 1 ActiveVesselGuid = 35b89a0d664c43c6bec8d0840afc97b2 SpeedOfLight = 3E+08 MapFilter = Omni, Dish, Planet, Path EnableSignalDelay = True RangeModelType = Standard MultipleAntennaMultiplier = 1.0 ThrottleTimeWarp = False DishConnectionColor = 0.9960784,0.7019608,0.03137255,1 OmniConnectionColor = 0.5529412,0.5176471,0.4078431,1 ActiveConnectionColor = 0.6588235,1,0.01568628,1 GroundStations { STATION { Name = Mission Control Latitude = 28.608389 Longitude = -80.604333 Height = 75 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 7.5E+07 } } } }
  15. Have you seen the little MJ part on the mini shuttle mod ?http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68429-0-23-5-Kerbin-Shuttle-Orbiter-System-v2-08-aka-Kerbin-Mini-Shuttle
  16. LOL to funny talk about getting drilled hehe, I known that was bad looks awesome.
  17. That would be awesome if it showed the right info.
  18. delete the folder Kerbals ? inside KSP/GameData/UniverseReplacer/Textures delete folder Kerbal should fix it. EDIT if you used the 1 , I posted it had kerbals heads in it and there is a text file looks like EVAJetpack EVAJetpackNormalMap EVAHelmet1 (EVAHelmet2, EVAHelmet3, EVAHelmet4, ...) EVASuit1 (EVASuit2, EVASuit3, EVASuit4, ...) EVASuitNormalMap IVAHelmet IVASuitStandard IVASuitVeteran IVASuitNormalMap HelmetNormalMap ArmsAndHands Head1 (Head2, Head3, Head4, ...) ArmsAndHands Head1 (Head2, Head3, Head4, ...) Head2 Head3 Head4 Head5 Head6 Head7 Head8
  19. Might not need skybox thats juat how mind is and it works do you have a link to what you want to change the skybox to and do you have the plugin folder in there ? my bad open UniverseReplacer you see plugin folder and Texture folder and open the texture folder you see skybox there ? EDIT Maker sure you name your pic's right here is a copy of my UniverseReplacer folder open it and then open Texture then open skybox rename all your pic's to match the name of the one's in there copy your pic's in there. https://www.dropbox.com/s/e5u7bmgxuzqb7mb/UniverseReplacer.zip You can delete the kerbalheads if you want.
  20. Did you put UniverseReplacer in KSP/GameData and in it's folder you see skybox ? make sure you pic's are named right ? Edit like Skybox_NegativeX Skybox_NegativeY Skybox_NegativeZ Skybox_PositiveX Skybox_PositiveY Skybox_PositiveZ
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