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Everything posted by Mecripp

  1. If you open up MP_Nazari folder and the stock.cfg find the engine you want and edit the all AUDIO back to stock you can use notepad or any text editor.
  2. YANFRET didn't you up it twice 2nd time have some fix in it looks like, I copy'ed over it because, I have some craft 2 time's and a couple just have a small name change, might be Motokid600 problem if he didn't copy the new craft file, half show locked thinking they where the first up.
  3. Is there any seek peeks for the Mini Rover or Moon Lander can't wait to see what helldiver come's up with.
  4. LOL you better take some strut's TerLoki that will look like King Kong on a Football and all Jeb saying is the little shuttle that could.
  5. I think what you might be talk about on the lines did you try and flip 1 piece then they line up.
  6. Wouldn't use active vessel target unless you know how it works best to just target vessel, But thats alot of sat jumping and you can edit the RT2 and Stock parts for each to have 4 targets a dish but by doing that it will brake all connections so best to do that on new game. Edit was wrong mafe each have 3 targets to keep menu down but if you want to try it. https://www.dropbox.com/s/sh90u6ljvxyglri/RT2_3_targets_dishes.zip just zip up RemoteTech_Antennas.cfg and RemoteTech_Squad_Antennas.cfg so you can go back if you want.
  7. Looks like his using RLA Stockalike mod and that's a Stock chute on top.
  8. Did you mouse over the button you wanted and click like the 1 though 8 ? Edit My bad didn't read it all sorry don't think that is working at this time with any RPM depends on what one you have installed looks like http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57603-0-23-RasterPropMonitor-make-your-IVA-a-glass-cockpit-%28v0-14%29-24-Jan?p=1080328&viewfull=1#post1080328
  9. https://www.dropbox.com/s/kg0ud8fqg7co8uq/KSO_MechJeb2_2.zip
  10. This will be bad get more then 6 parts with it, It can get laggy but if you can edit a cfg you will see how this puts it on all parts https://www.dropbox.com/s/kp7j17u2i7c4r39/Reflection_shader_4ALL.cfg EDIT LOL I did say it would be bad.
  11. This is where they talk about it and a fix was posted http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/56399-0-23-RemoteTech-2-0-23-5-Not-supported%21-Wait-for-0-24%21-Busy%21?p=1074927&viewfull=1#post1074927
  12. I think this is 1 spot where it was posted http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55219-Module-Manager-1-5-6-%28Jan-6%29?p=1063085&viewfull=1#post1063085
  13. My Bad KSO link http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68429-0-23-5-Kerbin-Shuttle-Orbiter-System-v2-08-aka-Kerbin-Mini-Shuttle.
  14. For the most part really like what your doing IRnifty and where it can go and would love to use it but, there are alot of great mods out there and sure hope you can get to play good with more mods so please keep up the good work.
  15. The ship in the folder broke still and bug , I do have it installed with FASA now. Edit do, I need a cfg for ActiveTextureManagement ? Edit2 put it in a install with out FASA and all good now. Edit 3 At Deltac that was a pic of me trying to load the craft in the file thats how it came up but at the time, I had it with the FASA Saturn V Beta. so,I took out the FASA beta and it loaded up good now. hehe had to get out of vab to to pic it nice job DannyTX. https://www.dropbox.com/s/sz8icuobgl38hg7/screenshot0.png Edit 4 getting this [Error]: Body::setMass: mass is 0.000000, should be positive!
  16. Best just to use modular fuels tank mod and add CO2 in the Resources cfg and add the MODULE to the bags would be my best guess. { name = TankPriorityModule Priority = 30 }
  17. I might be wrong but by looking at the files this mod is only good if you use all Stock part. Edit be nice if we could make cfg to add to mods we use or maybe we can hope some one can shed some light on this.
  18. Just seen this and sounds great give them kerbals something to do and to undercoveryankee good point, I use hotrockets and they and some stock now use ModuleEnginesFX.
  19. DennyTX what all do we need for the craft files to work keep getting invalid parts on them tryed in 2 diffrant installs.
  20. You have to see if Stock is using ModuleEngineFX and mods don't work with it then the mod that brake with ModuleEngineFX will need to update to work so it would be Squad as tossed the bone and the modders get to fix there mods.
  21. There is a download link and as so the link is posted on tac life support post.
  22. Fine by me if Dmagic want to do that, I'm just happy with what he as done already.
  23. Making a cfg not work anymore for adding this FX ? or does something have to be set in Unity ?
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