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Everything posted by Mecripp

  1. Is anyone else getting Field '.Flight.Globals.ship_srfSpeed' not found. spamming the debug logs ?
  2. If you installed the http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68429-0-23-Kerbin-Shuttle-Orbiter-System-v2-06-aka-Kerbin-Mini-Shuttle thats when, I got that error it just spams the log.
  3. Did you get it to work TimeforAction ? I use the older 1 here is what it looks like. MissionControlRange = 7.5E+07 MissionControlPosition = -0.1313315,-74.59484,75 MissionControlGuid = 5105f5a9d62841c6ad4b21154e8fc488 ActiveVesselGuid = 35b89a0d664c43c6bec8d0840afc97b2 MissionControlBody = 1 ConsumptionMultiplier = 1 RangeMultiplier = 1 SpeedOfLight = 3E+08 MapFilter = Omni, Dish, Planet, Path EnableSignalDelay = True RangeModelType = Standard NathanKell_MultipleAntennaSupport = False ThrottleTimeWarp = False as you can see there alittle diffrant but, I'm not running RSS.
  4. Nice it's nice to have old look and new look as all things get updated GREAT Job you going to do 1 for LEM too ?
  5. Does it look like this ? @PART[probeCoreSphere] { MODULE { name = ModuleSPU } MODULE { name = ModuleRTAntennaPassive TechRequired = unmannedTech OmniRange = 3000 TRANSMITTER { PacketInterval = 0.3 PacketSize = 2 PacketResourceCost = 15.0 } } } and if your using RSS the OmniRange = 30000 but even at 3000 you should get a connection.
  6. Some where there is a rescale on the range of RT2 parts you can try this please try on new game https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/RT2_RSS.zip
  7. Yes it was my bad,and yes I was, I didn't read the top of the laptop lol it shows the the letters. EDIT sorry Helldiver your all GOOD.
  8. Yes it does and if, I go back to error, I can use a,e,d,c,b to get to things and no error on screen. EDIT didn't hit them before, I asked.
  9. First off Love the new parts GREAT JOB but have 1 little problem the laptops are getting a error bad redirect but the Monitor work ever where else ? EDIT do, I need to install Hyomoto, Customized Raster Prop Monitor screens ? EDIT 2 My bad, I didn't read the menu it say's letters not #
  10. People can we please stick to FASA and all the great stuff frizzank and who all may have help give us to play with on your post here ?
  11. Yes you are right it was my bad it was Alexustas with the ALCOR.
  12. Only if there are 6 kerbals on the ship and you have the probe command core on it.
  13. Was the new RPWS in 7.1 ? still looks like the old 1 or did, I do something wrong ?
  14. The probe core are on by Default there is no way to turn them on or off or my RT2 is diffrant.
  15. You using a probe core ? it should connect at launch pad ? from RT2 EDIT the core all have 3 km not 30km. there are a couple of dish and there is 1 antenna that don't snap. Edit the DP-10 500 km good for get you up where you can use a antenna. Edit If you want you can use this https://www.dropbox.com/s/v85x3heriea639x/RemoteTech_REMOVEMAXQ.cfg and you can use antenna's from launch just put it some where in KSP/GameDate
  16. Picture likes alike lot 1 of the command pods of the AIES mod can't wait to see what you come up with.
  17. Maybe this post will help you http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/56399-0-23-RemoteTech-2-v1-3-3-Late-Christmas-Edition?p=1020703&viewfull=1#post1020703
  18. Please speak for yourself lol and it does better then replace it for me, build x4r2 didn't work for me if, I wanted more then 1 sat up try to launch 2 and bad lag take 20 to 30 min to get to space or just lockup and big memory hog, I guess if you run just stock it would work maybe. EDIT Well said LawnDartLeo
  19. Is any one having trouble with last Dev 192 alittle after running the ram start's getting sucked up about 10% more.
  20. What mechjeb you have 1 of the Dev ? when, I used the dev mechjeb 198, I think it is, It using 10 % more ram then like 178 or 157 think was some good 1's but more then likely you are hitting the memory limit.
  21. You the same JDP that made the mod RT if so thanks been a great mod. EDIT and by chance is there any way we could get a fix on the AeroProbe or MicroSat ?
  22. You could give your command pods the probe core and add alittle range to match the com 32 make it always on ? or just edit your persistent file. Edit Scrap that won't work a change in the cfg won't help craft already up leaves you edit your persistent file or send a craft to the dead ships and get with in 3k then you should be able to turn them on.
  23. It just show's up at the 1 part where your looking at all the building hope that helps.
  24. At 3 you mean integration because it is compatible.
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