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Everything posted by Mecripp

  1. You have VER 16 of the RPM and did you check your install of ASET make sure all is right ?
  2. You could use http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/70986-0-23-Cargo-Transfer-Bags-and-Tanks%28for-TAC-life-support%29-0-6 and there was some resize 1's from http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/eclssrebalancer/ and there is http://www.kingtiger.co.uk/kingtiger/wordpress/universal-storage/ there nice. EDIT so, I see in the pic your LS has 14 is that days or hour's ? my bad see it now 5 days thats nice. EDIT2 Can't wait to give it a try
  3. would'ed life support always be active ? If your using just 1 resource.
  4. This is what you are asking for https://www.dropbox.com/s/354z1qid5eex6mz/Reflection_shader_SpaceplanePlus_All.cfg you have to have ModuleManager *.*.* and the ReflectionPlugin.dll and put this cfg any where in KSP/GameData it is all the parts in that mod.
  5. Did you use the cfg posted here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60750-WIP-Cacteye-Telescope-v0-1-%282-1-14%29-Modular-EVA-serviceable-orbital-telescope?p=1180251&viewfull=1#post1180251 Edit just 2 post up ?
  6. https://www.dropbox.com/s/89dmk9deyffjhwq/HotRockets_7.1_Nazari.zip
  7. Hermes Deep Space Probe not showing up anywhere ? Edit- I have it in sandbox but not career and all is unlocked.
  8. Didn't think kos integration was in now last, I seen there was 2 forks of kos and he was waiting to see what fork was going to win, I guess you could say.
  9. Not every one wants to use KOS and a fight computer is a flight computer MJ , KOS , and all the rest.
  10. Void has a on screen display, When first try'ed to open big map it didn't open and it took void off screen and, I got that error so, I then went back to game forgot void as a turn off display on the toolbar icon so, I turned it off and then try'ed the big map and it worked so then turn void back on to see an now it all works maybe it was a 1 time deal ?
  11. I can't get the big map to show up debug just shows ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range little map works and the rest. Edit And when, I click the big map button the mod void go's off screen click it again and void is back on screen maybe they don't want to play. Edit 2-- Ok did alittle check void has a turn off on screen with it off screen, I can get the big map to come up, so they don't like to play nice.
  12. Ver 7 not ready ? download links bad. Edit hehe can't wait thanks for all the hard work.
  13. If you didn't get it try this https://www.dropbox.com/s/y8y07zc56dqgmih/KER_tomtom.cfg
  14. Looks great and if you don't mind to share would love to have them ?
  15. Here was 1 in the old thread and the download http://www./download/7c6nrgngsjmypss/SCANsatALTv0.11.zip Or and Download http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/77674-Small-MechJeb-touchscreen-case and here is a cfg to add MapTraq to it https://www.dropbox.com/s/zpjzh3k14qannj2/ScanSat_tomtom.cfg And if you want to add MapTraq to you command pod's and cores https://www.dropbox.com/s/n46gwitg1jlgxfw/ScanSat_2_Command.cfg
  16. By Adding maps your going to up the memory use and that didn't help the last mapping Mod for it was a memory hog.
  17. There was some in the old thread or you can just make a CFG to add it to Command parts.
  18. Just looking at it if you open it and found //KDEX @PART[Kerbal Dust Experiment] It as 2 space's in the name so make it look like @PART[Kerbal?Dust?Experiment] will fix the error for that 1.
  19. Yes it will make a ground station at every 1. Edit What you mean in RSS ? in RT2 they will always be on so you will have alot of connections from kerbin to your network. Edit form RSS at the tracking station there you pick what launch sight you want. Edit It may have been the Map view sorry don't use RSS all the time.
  20. This should set RT2 to all of them just copy it over to your RT2 folder and override and make a backup first.https://www.dropbox.com/s/qsz0s1hrognvy9q/RemoteTech_Settings.cfg
  21. Bobcat had is own RPM's look in KSP/GameData/BobCatind/HOME2/Props/HOMEMFD60x20.
  22. @Astronomer the pic you posted looks like it's getting a glare off the atmosphere from the sun. Edit this 1 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55905-0-23-5-7-3-EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements-NEW%21-VolumetricClouds%21?p=1161019&viewfull=1#post1161019
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