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Everything posted by Mecripp

  1. Wasn't there a bug in you put a broke one in a kis/kas box and get it back out it would be fixed ?
  2. Looking at the stock one looks like you have it just one thing missing is pivotName = **** MODULE { name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel sunTracking = false raycastTransformName = suncatcher pivotName = suncatcher isBreakable = false resourceName = ElectricCharge chargeRate = 0.35 } Don't know if it would help.
  3. You can check out this http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/129771
  4. Can you make a download that doesn't have ASET Props and ModuleManager in your download ? In short just your CFG for it ? EDIT- Really not good to add other mods in your download, Can just lead to bad things all in need is to say there needed.
  5. You can use NearFuture plugin look at Near Future Electrical http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52042-0-21-Near-Future-Propulsion-Pack you can make your own Resource that will Decay over time or you can use JDiminishingRTG Realistic configurable radioisotope decay pretty sure you can make you own Resource with it too http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/115938-1-0-2-JDiminishingRTG-Realistic-configurable-radioisotope-decay!-v1-3a-%28hotfix%29-3-May-2015
  6. In the very first one think some where from JDP and then they added so from a older AIES mod made by carmics and drop the older RT parts that was made by JDP or someone.
  7. I use Gimp and haven't had a problem. EDIT- you might look here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/119873
  8. Yes you have to upload it somewhere and it's in KSP folder you should see KSP.log EDIT- Here will tell you alittle more on getting help http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92229-How-To-Get-Support-%28READ-FIRST%29
  9. If it's a patch you put it in your KSP/GameData folder anywhere and you have to have ModuleManager *.*.* installed also hope it helps.
  10. Nice and you might check out this re-texture job by nothke http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/137372-2015-SLS-repaint-for-stock
  11. Looks like NASA still showing both lol EDIT- Yes I see where they said there going orange Just saying they also still show both just depends on where you look
  12. ? You mean re-scale all the parts No or good luck with that and have a nice day
  13. Are you re-scaling ? If so to what size ? EDIT- After looking at those post don't see how any of that helps if your using VenStockRevamp from what, I seen your editing Stock files not Van's.
  14. You can also use Near Future plugin here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52042-1-04-Near-Future-Technologies-%28fully-operational-in-1-04%29 and there is also JDiminishingRTG plugin here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/115938
  15. O Man we need one textured like that boosters in all
  16. Have you looked here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/94638-Mod-Development-Links-Compilation-START-HERE
  17. Not sure what log file you posted but that one doesn't have the right info to see what mods you have but anyway it does tell that you hit the memory limit or are out of memory 39% memory in use. 0 MB physical memory [0 MB free]. 0 MB paging file [0 MB free]. 0 MB user address space [130 MB free].
  18. If you mean for the expanding plum ? there are patches for them in this thread.
  19. Last time, I used it when you left once you past minus active vessel didn't work or kick out not to say you can't change vessels in flight or you last that probe because you couldn't get comm back.
  20. Here is your airbrakes +PART[airbrake1] { @name = miniairbrake1 @rescaleFactor = 0.5 @entryCost = 5000 @cost = 250 @title = A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S (Small) @manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division description = After several complaints from our brave pilots that the standard A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S. were too powerful for smaller craft, the engineers at C7 Aerospace came up with a simple solution: A smaller airbrake. @mass = 0.025 @emissiveConstant = 0.475 @maximum_drag = 0.01 @minimum_drag = 0.01 @angularDrag = 1 @MODULE[ModuleAeroSurface] { @deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.19 @ctrlSurfaceArea = .5 } }
  21. Why would you use active vessel that being put in was just a big boo boo.
  22. Just tested it and think some of the nodes are still off will try and fix it and the patch that was posted you just copy over to your ksp/GameData folder and over-ride also might be something with the CleverWalrus plugin not sure if it's working in 1.04 but already have the textures converted to dds will post it when done. EDIT- Well just found 1 node that was wrong so far and looks like some of my problems is with the craft file.
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