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Everything posted by Mecripp

  1. If anyone is good at writing a FStextureSwitch if you could give me a hand that is a hit and miss for me but would like to do a anther set of textures for the tac parts ? EDIT- Love this mod lol been playing around with all kinds of stuff
  2. If your talking to me think, I'm about done with the LS part adding unless someone ask about one of the other ones and what you mean ( TAC guys get LSI bits lying around ) I just didn't do the Recyclers and for them was going to use the ( K&K Planetary ISRU ) part but re-texturing that well thinking about it lol and on your energy problem you could edit the file or you have a part in mind ?
  3. Here is some more LS parts Get them here https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/Test%20Parts/supply_container.zip Models by Nils277 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ Textures by RoverDude CC 4.0 BY-SA-NC Unzip anywhere in KSP/GameData
  4. It don't work in 1.04 EDIT- For docking cam try http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/130258-Docking-Target-%280-1%29-July-30-2015
  5. Looking at your cfg, I think your alittle mixed up you have them outputting the resource ? Did you mean input resource ? You do know you can have both on it a input and output ? EDIT- Or you just wanted to have a more less cheat part ?
  6. If you don't mind my rough stab at it have the Containers but still playing around with the Recyclers Can get them here just unzip to your KSP/GameData/ https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/Test%20Parts/LifeSupport_Containers.zip You can put them anywhere in the GameData folder or even in PlanetaryBaseInc folder. Models by Nils277 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ Textures by TaranisElsu https://raw.githubusercontent.com/taraniselsu/TacLifeSupport/master/LICENSE.txt
  7. They show up for me in 1.04 career. EDIT- Are you using a mod that changes the tech nodes ?
  8. That part still works, I'm still using it makes a nice cargo lander.
  9. Here is alittle update if you want it https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/Test%20Parts/ModsByTal.zip licensed http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US changed ( maxTemp = 5000 ) to ( maxTemp = 1200 // = 2900 ) & ( breakingForce = 10000 ) to ( breakingForce = 200 ) & ( added bulkheadProfiles = srf and allowRepeatedSubjects = True ) and changed the TechRequired = start put it where ever you want and converted textures to DDS.
  10. Sounds like you attached them wrong you might watch his video real close and see what your doing wrong. EDIT- Or your using a old Firespitter plugin ?
  11. You must have a old Firespitter plugin or you installed Gryphon Corp. textures for Procedural Fairings wrong if anything is using Texture switcher you have to watch the file path.
  12. The top wheel is ASET Portable Rover http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/86343-Portable-Rover-Components-New-project-from-ASET-%28up-29-07-14%29 The 2nd is ASET "Sunshine" movie style Deployable Light Globe http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/50531-Sunshine-movie-style-Deployable-Light-Globe-%28updated-25-10-2013%29 3nd is ASET Exploration Rover System http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/94947-1-0-2-Exploration-Rover-System-by-A-S-E-T-%2809-05-15%29 and the last one's wish, I had ASET "KONQUEST:Modular components for permanent bases" http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79880-WIP-KONQUEST-Modular-components-for-permanent-bases-by-ASET-%2814-05-2014%29
  13. You could just make a new resource and a converter to convert ElectricCharge to your new resource add alittle density = *** to your new resource ?
  14. Looks like you installed it wrong or didn't install all of it be sure to check your file path EDIT- And this add on file path would be KSP/GameData/ASET/MK1-2_InternalsASET
  15. Where there is a space in the name put a ? where the space is and all will be fine. EDIT- Like ( 2.5m?Capsule ) ( 2.5m?picax ) ( 2.5m?solar ) ( 2.5m?trunk )
  16. Are you sandbox or career and when you try and load one of the craft that's not loading what is it telling you your missing ?
  17. He might have a old JSI PartUtilities and even the news one which is old now is buggy.
  18. Here let me post this one and, I did post a link to the wiki EDIT- And the Jupiter III- X http://www.murc.ws/showthread.php?59383-Jupiter-I-III-heavy-launcher EDIT-
  19. Have you seen https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jupiter_%28rocket_family%29 and EDIT-
  20. What is broke on it ? From what, I have played with it, It all still works just edit the file to add the new changes and converted the textures to DDS.
  21. You mustn't have got one of your files in CFG format check again just set one up and it works fine. EDIT-
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