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Everything posted by Kerbal7

  1. Ah, Okay. Good idea. Thanks.
  2. Hi friends. A quick question. If I have a Kerbal out of life support, and on strike in a capsule with no docking port, that Kerbal is effectively dead yes? It is impossible to rescue them yes? Thanks.
  3. Put on classical music while you play. Make sure to include "Blue Danube" and "Sunrise," from 2001: A Space Odyssey fame in the playlist!
  4. Kerbal7


    I had a very difficult time with rendezvous and docking. Even after watching half a dozen tutorial videos, could not get the hang of it. Very confused why I couldn't rendezvous two spacecraft. I was close to saying the hell with that. TOO HARD! But I found a set of pictures on black background. One was titled "How to do an Orbital Rendezvous." It had a step by step guide, and that put me in the right direction. I like rendezvous and docking now! Anyways, thanks 4 the welcome!
  5. Kerbal7


    Hello everyone. Been playing KSP a few weeks (addict getting his fix) and it's great fun. And difficult. I have landed on the Mun and Minimus. Rescued Kerbonaunts and docked two spacecraft, etc. Thanks to the many tutorial videos available. Looking forward to figuring out space station and base operations. As well as interplanetary travel. While participating on the forum. Cheers.
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