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Everything posted by TheFlyingKerman

  1. For Kerbin, I have 3 relays in Keostationary orbit. Two small RA-15 relays 60 degrees leading and trailing KSC for connecting with LKO probes, plus a huge relay several times the power of the level 3 DTS positioned opposite to KSC (above Nye Island) for interplanetary probes. There is also a powerful ground relay station at KSC. Lastly some survey satellites in polar orbit are also equipped with relay antennas. For Jool, 4 relays in high orbit. For other planetary systems, usually I include a relay with every small rover, so 1-2 per system. There would be gaps, but I don't find it to be a major problem for the purpose of controlling a rover.
  2. Save a copy of your payload to another file, with root part re-rooted to the part attaching to the rocket. Close and open your main craft. Then open the other payload, but choose 'Merge' in the load menu. Then the payload would be loaded like a sub-assembly. Indeed I only use this merge function.
  3. The first orbital lifter produced by TFK, the R-4 was an advanced design... sort of. It was the first multi-stage rocket, combining the Thumper SRB with the Terrier, the first LFO engine to be adopted. However, it was designed with minimal cost and part count in mind, and its lifting capacity was an unremarkable 1.8t to LKO. Orbit and beyond.
  4. There would be a base of some sort. I haven't decided the scale. My computer doesn't like mega ships so it would be more spread out. Yay. I think the original challenge is a little simple, so this would be a much longer career, just to see what can be done with limited cash.
  5. According to our great prophet, the future of the Kerbal lies in the stars. Recently, our scientists realize the planets are not merely mirages in heaven but places - with oceans and an atmosphere - that can be theoretically reached by spacecrafts. We, the Truth Foundation Kerbin, must colonize the promised land secretly, using only the modest resource from our followers, before the heathens have a chance to pollute the place. Explanation: this is both no contract career challenge, and standard lifter challenger, with the objective of reaching all places and colonizing some planets.
  6. The rocket design team is demanding pay rise again! We cannot afford designing a new rocket with every new payload. Your mission is simple: design a family of up to 10 models of lifters (can be rockets or spaceplanes), and showcase them in a career game (career is more interesting because of the tech tree) - more missions per model the better! Rules: - No cheating. - Everything that goes into orbit must be delivered by these lifters. - Kerbin rovers, atmospheric planes, and sub-orbital sounding rockets with no orbital capacity do not count. - Mods are allowed. As an example I completed the no contract career challenge with 4 lifters. Can't wait to see what you all come up with.
  7. I don't have PS4. On PC it looks like this https://ibb.co/j4tHw4h
  8. Quite likely the game is requiring the old version of the RT-10, which can be found by searching the advanced part list.
  9. 1. I use SAS surface prograde, so it works for any direction that I set up by hand. 2. It works because at the right altitude, the lift equals gravity and the plane flies level, exactly where the nose is pointing. Below that altitude the air is denser given the same speed there is excessive lift. This makes the prograde vector pointing above the nose, and the SAS prograde mode tracks the change and starts climbing. Above cruising altitude the SAS does the opposite. 3. I only build 'normal' planes with everything straight. I do. I have at least a few long science flights for each science / career save, also SSTO space planes sending stuff into orbit. Fortunately my designs are multi purpose so I only need a few models to do everything.
  10. My method is much simpler, assuming the plane is my own design. Just fly prograde and see at what speed altitude it stabilizes. If the cruising altitude is too low I add more wing area / wing incidence.
  11. I built this all electric tilt rotor plane for permanent deployment at Laythe (and also variants for Duna and Eve). It must be all electric because it is not known whether there is any usable ore on land (and jet engines don't work on Duna and Eve anyways). https://imgpile.com/images/wtdzfW.png https://kerbalx.com/TheFlyingKerman/Electra-2A The KAL9000 is used to like prop pitch with rotor tilt angle, to make controlling the plane manageable.
  12. In China maps are state secret, so mapping is illegal for any private individual/organization, and by extension building and launching any satellite capable of observing the Earth. Similar for providing telecommunication. There is simply no market space for a real private space company. The China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation is really a PLA branch reorganized as a company (I think in the early 90's).
  13. https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/S-25_Fan_Shroud Does it shield parts 'inside' or serve any other function?
  14. Mythodea and Rosetta and Juno to Jool Jupiter from Vangelis. RIP Vangelis (1943-2022)
  15. The flavored text in the game is supposed to be a joke rather than a description. The player is supposed to experiment herself / research online (say, the wiki or this forum).
  16. The orbit of Eeloo is elliptic and not co-planar with Kerbin, so the DV can differ a lot between each transfer window. The alexmoon launch window planner is more accurate https://alexmoon.github.io/ksp/
  17. Von Kerman Outlook sounds appropriate. Here you go
  18. I've got another one or is this place well known? No mod used. It's so close that you can easily walk there from KSC. It just hides in plain sight.
  19. Would it be simpler just linking the pitch angle with the pitch using KAL-1000? I am still new to propellers and this is what I've got so far https://kerbalx.com/TheFlyingKerman/Electra-2A if anyone would like to further optimize it. It seems aiming for 400-440 rpm gives the best speed for the least power consumption.
  20. The best way is a gravity assist with Tylo to capture into Jool orbit, and for the inner moons a second gravity assist pass using Laythe.
  21. IME any antenna other than the 16S on a rover breaks in no time.
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