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Everything posted by JEB'S DESTINY

  1. I know this isn't related to gameplay, but I just put it in here because it was the closest I could find to my topic. But anyways, how do you get those badges or pictures or some other things on the bottom of your posts?
  2. You would be in trouble because you are distributing paid content for free, copyrighting things, and other reasons. So DO NOT make DLC into a mod! It is a great parts pack with a mission builder that costs money, which I think it is pretty reasonable, if the cost is low. What is the cost anyway?
  3. Well, I'm playing on version 1.3.1, and it stops on the loading bar at BDB mercury parachutes.
  4. I can't get realchutes to work. Everytime I load, it stops loading at one point. Could anybody please help me? Here is a mod list BDB Comorant Aeronology Trajectories Better Burn Time EVE SVE Scatterer RCS Build Aid KSP Interstellar Extended Module Manager and some other I can't remember.
  5. No, I mean there is a stack decoupler attached to the S-IC stage that decouples first, so the 1st stage falls away with the S-II interstage skirt still on. Then the ullage rockets that are attached to the skirt fire with the 5 J-2 engines a second later. Then the whole skirt falls off a moment later.
  6. Never mind eveything is all right, there is a stack decoupler on the S-IC stage that decouplers first then the whole S-II skirt decoupler after the ullage motors fire. Here is the link ----> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7FdTL256Cg
  7. No, the video I saw had the mods listed in the description. It was Bluedog Design Bureau (Apollo parts) -Planet shine -Distant Object Enhancement -EVE -Stock Visual Enhancements -scatterer -Reentry Particle Effect -Real Plume -Hyper Edit (for filming purpose) -Mech Jeb (for filming purpose) -RealChute -Docking Port Alignment Indicator. Could it be mechjeb doing the job?
  8. I see in some ksp videos of people using BDB and for the S-II stage 5 meter decoupler, the bottom stage gets jettisones first, the engines fire, then the whole decoupler gets jettisoned. Can anybody teach me how to do that?
  9. OHH! I see, there is the realplume configs and the realplume dependency if I am correct. Nevermind! I just need to download the zip file RealPlume-Stock_v1.0.1.zip.
  10. Realplume does't work for me. I have smokescreen and module manager installed, but it still doesn't work. Could it be that smokescreen isn't updated? Please help! Thanks
  11. What I mean by most Kerbal rocket is the craziest one you've built
  12. @DECQCould you please update this mod to 1.3.1, I would love this mod if I could play it in 1.3.1!
  13. They could've made it more safer with ejection seats (Challenger), better external tank (Columbia), and more careful engineering. Overall, the shuttle is one of my favorite spacecraft because it is very specially engineered, and is complicated because of it's moving center of mass.
  14. LOL When things don't go right, MASH SPACEBAR!!!!
  15. Post a picture of your most KERBAL ROCKET!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. How come my alcubiere drive holds only around 250 exotic matter instead of 20000? plz reply ASAP
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