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Everything posted by cybermeister

  1. I know it's been brought up already above but I am color blind along with 8% of the population. It is simply impossible for me to see the difference between the green and orange lights (my wife helped me identity the colors). I'm a retired SW Engineer so I usually am very comfortable digging into configuration files to change things up a bit. This is of course lacking in this mod as well as the Extensive Engineer Report mod. Please oh please consider looking into this. I assume you are always busy considering the number of mods you pick up for the community and I'm very appreciative of your efforts, but again 1 in 12.5 people can't see the difference in the button colors.
  2. Thanks guys, I install and delete from ckan and I guess I trust it too much even though it clearly points out that it can't guarantee comparability. I'll clean up my mod list and give things a try. (Hey DoctorDavinci, I'm American, my wife is Canadian/American our families are Dutch descent, and I worked in Germany and studied it in school. Cool flag.)
  3. So I've dropped in my mod list and also the main log file. Again, I am having problems here where I didn't with 1.3.1. I remember now that I did do a reinstall of Windows 10 to clean out stuff due to a "friendly" malware right when the Expansion pack dropped. I do have some zipped up kerbal environments in 1.3.1 so if we cant tell from this file we might see if the old runs work differently. I will look for those in the meantime. Zip file of Mods and Log file cybermeister
  4. Ok linuxgurugamer I finally got the log file for the slow 1.4.2 load. Sorry for the wait I've been quite ill recently. Dumb question though: I'm new to the forum thing (even though I'm a retired software engineer) so I have no idea how to attach say a zip of a couple text files to a reply here. Any help? cybermeister
  5. Nope. Checked that all out. It's weird cause 1.3.1 would in a reasonable time even with 100k+ Modual Manager patches. I'm having trouble with 1.4.2 at 10k+. Weird. Thanks for the reply.
  6. Ok so I'm running 1.4.2 with a bunch of mods and the game loads ridiculously slow. I started a load, went out to dinner for a couple of hours, and came back with game still loading with minimal progress. Mods listed below and there are a bunch but I've done loads twice the size in 1.3.1 with load times of a few minutes. My PC resources are nowhere near pegging out and the app itself responds spot tingly to window moves and such. Any similar problems in the community? Any advice? Thanks in advance. cybermeister KSP: 1.4.2 (Win64) - Unity: 2017.1.3p1 - OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit 000_AT_Utils - 1.5.1 Filter Extensions - 3.2.1 TexturesUnlimited - Toolbar - UI Core - 1.0.1 ToolbarControl - Zero-Point Inline Fairings - 1.0.2 ABCors - 0.5 Adjustable Mod Panel - 1.4 AtmosphereAutopilot - 1.5.10 B9 Animation Modules - 1.1 B9 Part Switch - 2.2.1 B9 Aerospace - 6.4 B9 Aerospace - 6.4 B9 Aerospace HX Parts - 6.4 B9 Aerospace Procedural Parts - 0.50 BD Animation Modules - CritterCrawlerRetractingVectoringEngines - Better Science Labs Continued - CactEye Telescopes - Camera Focus Changer - 1.0.4 CameraTools - 1.10 ClickThroughBlocker - Community Trait Icons - 1.0 Contract Configurator - 1.24.4 StructuralTubingRestructured - 1.0.7 DMagic Orbital Science - EVA Transfer - Ferram Aerospace Research - Firespitter - 7.9 Flexible Docking - 1.0.6 GPOSpeedFuelPump - 1.8.12 HullcamVDSContinued - 0.1.9 Impact - ImprovedChaseCamera - 1.6.2 Interstellar Fuel Switch - 2.13.1 JanitorsCloset - 0.3.4 JSIAdvTransparentPods - 0.1.16 RasterPropMonitor - 0.30 Kerbal Attachment System - 0.6.4 Camera Mode Persistence - 1.0.4 Kerbal Engineer Redux - 1.1.3 Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - 3.3.3 Feline Utility Rover - 1.2.4 KerbNet Controller - 1.0.4 Stork - 0.2.6 Kerbal Inventory System - 1.10.6640.40620 KSP-AVC Plugin - KSPDev LogConsole - 0.17.40068.6640 KSPLogger - 0.4.6 KSP Logitech RGB Control - 1.1 KSPWheel - Kube - 0.0.5 Kurrikane - LCA_Project - 0.1.2 Lithobrake Exploration Technologies - 0.4 LLL-Continued - 1.0.2 Infernal Robots - 2.0.14 Maeneuver Node Evolved - 1.0.4 Kerbal Dust Experiment - Modular Rocket Systems - 1.13.2 ModularFlightIntegrator - 1.2.5 ZZZRadioTelescope - NearFutureProps - 0.3.1 NE-KEES - NE-Kemini - NE-KLS - NE-MPP - NE-Common - NE-OMS - NovaPunch Continued - Overdrive - 1.1 PanzerLabs AreoSpace K-Sat Series - 1.1.1 PAPIPluginContinued - 0.4.8 Part Angle Display - PartCommanderContinued - PartWizardContinued - 1.3.7 PatchManager - 0.0.15 PAWS - QuickExit - 2.1.3 Recovery Controller - 0.0.2 IONRCS - 0.1.8 ResearchBodies - 1.9.7 RLA_Recontinued - 14.1 US and Soviet Solar Panels Pack - 1.5 SETI-ProbeParts - SETI-RebalanceMaterialsGoo - 1.3 SettingsMaster - Simple Adjustable Fairings - Plugin - 1.0.1 Simple Adjustable Fairings - KW Rocketry Pack - 1.0.1 Simple Construction - 3.4.6 Extraplanetary Launchpads - 5.9 SolverEngines - 3.6 RecycledParts - Spacetux - MicroSat - 0.1.1 StageRecovery - 1.8 StationKeeping - StationScienceContinued - 2.4.1 TAC Fuel Balancer - 2.17 Cargo Transportation Solutions - 0.5.3 TarsierSpaceTechnology - 7.3 TextureReplacerReplaced - 0.5.4 ThrottleControlledAvionics - 3.5.1 ToadicusToolsContinued - 0.22.2 Tracking Station Evolved - 1.0.3 Trajectories - 2.2 TweakableEverything - 0.1.23 TweakScale - 2.3.10 UbioWeldingLtd-Continued - 2.5.3 Undockinator - 0.6 Unmanned before Manned - UpgradesGUI - 1.5 Waypoint Manager - 2.7.2 World Stabilizer - 0.9.1 ZeroMiniAVC - 1.0.5
  7. Well initially I thought this....but.....I used to use the Active Texture Management mod (which is now mostly obsolete due to everyone going dds - another thread). From that I gleaned that the textures are mostly loaded before the Module Manager makes the part cache (I'm kinda making this up cause I really don't know). The long loading times seem to happen after the cache count....so I tend to think it has to due to something else. But I'm just guessing about the order of things here but it could be...Hmmmm.
  8. Why has the new KSP 1.4.1 version take sooooo long to load mods? I have a lot of mods, but I never ran into this problem before. Any advice?
  9. Hey NeoMorph I saw in one of your threads years ago about returning the stupid mechjeb transparent menus back to GUI Gray.  How do I do this?  I also suffer with colorblindness and find the gray helpful.  Plus I find that stuff can actually be activated behind the transparent part of the mechjeb gui.  Also I am trying to write a macro based on a tiny screen sample of these transparent GUIs and if they are transparent that won't work!  Help!  Please!

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  10. Mr. TriggerAu Sir! (and community) Greetings and Salutations! Thank you for such a great mod (ARP). I am a retired SW Engineer and appreciate the work needed to product something of this quality. I'm wondering about a possible feature that could be added that should be a no brainer and very easy to implement: As an addition to sending warnings to the Kerbal Alarm Clock, how about the ability to configure a key press. The key would be determined by the configuration and tied to a specific alarm on the panel. This would be great for those of us who have RGB or LED keyboards. It would allow a macro configuration of the "alarm key" to blink a specific keyboard LED. Alarm ON and Alarm OFF messages would be great for a start. A more robust coding of this feature would allow other custom hardware to display status easily. Note that Telemachus would have some overlapping functionality as both the ARP and Telemachus report status from the game. Another perhaps more appropriate place to add this functionality would be in the Kerbal Alarm Clock itself since that is generally the warning manager for the game. Regards, cybermeister
  11. Mr. TriggerAu Sir! (and community) Greetings and Salutations! Thank you for such a great mod (ARP). I am a retired SW Engineer and appreciate the work needed to product something of this quality. I'm wondering about a possible feature that could be added that should be a no brainer and very easy to implement: As an addition to sending warnings to the Kerbal Alarm Clock, how about the ability to configure a key press. The key would be determined by the configuration and tied to a specific alarm on the panel. This would be great for those of us who have RGB or LED keyboards. It would allow a macro configuration of the "alarm key" to blink a specific keyboard LED. Alarm ON and Alarm OFF messages would be great for a start. A more robust coding of this feature would allow other custom hardware to display status easily. Note that Telemachus would have some overlapping functionality as both the ARP and Telemachus report status from the game. Another perhaps more appropriate place to add this functionality would be in the Kerbal Alarm Clock itself since that is generally the warning manager for the game. Regards, cybermeister
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