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  1. could you please send me the source file ? I would like to change the B-29 Landing gear to a more biggerone please
  2. hi I hope you are having a wonderfull day ..My name is Heino and I would like your help ,


    so with the APP recolour mod of yours its amazing like hell I love it! but I want the textures changing on the copy config what I call it mods to also recolour ..the AJEE mod takes engine configs and models using a difficult config system I dont know and maybe you can help me I have spoken to Chitizen247 and he suggested I ask you about it like how do I edit the master reconfig file of the AJEE.3350.DC engine that replicated the K3350DC engine from APP? 


    here is the config I believe to orcestrate the precces etc.

      Reveal hidden contents

        @name = AJEE_R3350DC_Prop
         //Part specific settings

        @title = #$@AJEE_TEMPLATES/AJEE_WR3350/title$
        @manufacturer = #$@AJEE_TEMPLATES/AJEE_WR3350/manufacturer$
        @description = #$@AJEE_TEMPLATES/AJEE_WR3350/description$
        @mass = #$@AJEE_TEMPLATES/AJEE_WR3350/mass$
        @rescaleFactor = #$@AJEE_TEMPLATES/AJEE_WR3350/diameter$
        @rescaleFactor /= #$/base_diameter$
        @category = Engine
        #@AJEE_TEMPLATES/AJEE_WR3350/MODULE[ModuleEnginesAJEPropeller] {}
            %thrustVectorTransformName = #$../AJEE_thrustTransformName$

        #@AJEE_TEMPLATES/AJEE_WR3350/MODULE[ModuleEngineConfigs] {}

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  3. how can I change the engine colours? using TURD of course for the AJEExtended\Engines\Piston\AJEE_R3350DC.cfg engine that clones the AirplanePlus Duplexcyclone part and uses its textures i would like to know how it can use the Textures Unlimited Recolour depot for Airplane Plus also
  4. Hi I'm interested into changing the base config of the piston engine to also use aTURD as it use airplane plus texture and model to clone a realistic engine it is possible to set it to also incorporate that... Can anyone help me set uo the config file for this? I really love this AJEE mod but would really love it to customize my engine more with awesome textures. I found the part config and template folder but which do I change etc It is the AJEE_3350DC.cfg engine Looking forward for your reply
  5. thank you so much I have learnt allot now with trail and error yes it seems to be AJEE configs using Airplane plus to clone a realism engine so the only problem for me is how do you set the textures of TURD to apply on that config for there is a base con can anyone explain how to I replicate this craft to use TURD texture or how to configre the config to let it use the texture of TURD to for it some how does take the Tempest engine of APP to replicate etc.
  6. Hi I want to change the colors of this engine created from AJE ON Airplane plus mod that takes the tempest engine and makes ot realistic but with the TURD for airplane plus I only can change colors of the tempest not the Wright R-3350 duplex cyclone
  7. Hi I want to change the colors of this engine created from AJE ON Airplane plus mod that takes the tempest engine and makes ot realistic but with the TURD for airplane plus I only can change colors of the tempest not the Wright R-3350 duplex cyclone
  8. Does anyone know how to change the color of the Wright 3350 cyclone engines? I know with the original tempest engines you can using the mod TURD but I have the realistic engine and would like to know how to configure it with TURD to change the colors too I am not sure where the part is or if its a config from AJE mod Because it shows in the sph from Airplane plus mod but when I look in my game data I don't find it there just the tempest part is there... I am searching through every place on the internet and can't seem to find solutions.. And I have been everywhere on my game data folder please help me out guys
  9. Hi I need help please.. I need to recolour a part added to Airplane plus mod... Its the realistic version engine from the tempest engine from Airplane plus... The Wright 3350 26w cyclone used on the b-29 superfortress. Think it was the config from AJE mod that created it as copy of the tempest I'm not sure but please tell me how to create the config file to apply Turd colours... I am struggling to find where the part file is or not sure help would be appreciated thanks
  10. please make it so that this doesnt clash with procedular parts because every time I load my crafts it gets shifted by a few meters like the nodes messing around
  11. Hi I have noticed that this amazing config clashing with Procedural parts mod in ksp could you maybe help create it compatible please for I struggle to find a perfect config for to work changing my command pods colours
  12. Please help why does the propeller with wings part cause my game to CTD ? really love this mod but is there problems with my setup?
  13. my game crashing after I start the engines from your mod please help ,im using ksp 1.8.1
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