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Flavio hc16

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Everything posted by Flavio hc16

  1. .5 build the ares 5 again ( as 70 tons to TLI is more or less what it should have had) .6 profitt?? (Do sometyhing usefull)
  2. and liftoff!!! Man it's slow to get off the pad without SRBs
  3. i just found out that is not applying any upgrades to any of my probe or similar and i can't get why stock parts seems to work ( apart from the science box) "making history" however dont, pods don't get upgraded
  4. playing with 1.8.1, is it a bug or a feature that the science box can only store slots but no data? it's seems weird considering that there are a crapton of upgrades in the tech tree that says they are for the data
  5. you are looking at it the wrong way around: once you make the launch cost affordable, you can afford to use off-the-shelves parts who cost way less. One example is the transponder they use on falcon 9, Boeing pays it 100k, spacex 2k or even less
  6. if the cost of space goes down to 100$/kg ( an order of magnitute worse than what Elon is aiming for) you will start a craptopn of stuff launched into orbit, universities, people who can burn money, science experiments of any kind. Yopu create a market that right now we don't know. They will delay it, better condition both for the payload and for the recovery on the 18th, and this is an internal mission, so they can wait, i think that they want to nail that 5th reuse/landing lol nope, or rather you probably misunderstood that: with 11 refuels you get 100 tons of payload back from the moon to earth. you need 2 fully fueled starships 1crew/1cargo, each of them will need 5 refuels ( so 10 launch + the 2 ships in use). Both will go to the moon, the tanker refuels the crew starship, tankers get back home and the starship do his mission and get back home
  7. this video however shows how much of a beast those rs25, they are a nightmare to produce/mantain, but boy are they good
  8. can i say that i love how civilized is the discussion on this forum? It's lovely
  9. SN4 is engineless, will they go for desttructive test tonight?
  10. 3.5 billions for 24 engines: 146 milllion/engine. But they say that in 6 years they could go to 8 engines/year
  11. i think that they will try their best to do a "boosters on droneships, 1st stage expended" kind of launch, like the next Air force launches on falcon heavy, as from Musk statement you have only a 10% payload penalty from this configuration vs fully expendable ( so around 65 tons to LEO and 12.5 tons to NRHO ) p.s: you have also to take into consideration the new enlarged fairing for the Falcons
  12. Elon musk: no, that's bad, we need them to explode faster!
  13. man, if we include orion we might go at 10 billions/launch, with 5 launches
  14. 1st stage of falcon 9: 41 meters x 3.75m of width ( finess ratio: 10.9), 1st stage of superheavy ( as of right now): 70x9 meters ( ratio 7.8) however we have to consider the legs are 10 meters long but enlarge the base of another 8 meters per side ( more or less) so at the end the width during landing is around 20 meters, so a landing finess ratio of 2.1:1 p.s. i just typed "falcon 9 first stage" and i got the answer
  15. it won't need the header tank as it won't do the bellyflop hmmm, you need just rcs to slosh the fuel around, and the header tank might go into the main tanks
  16. nope, he just bet 100$ that they are thrusters while someone says they are landing lights, so he wants the cash rather than attention
  17. power and propulsion module to be launched on falcon heavy in "2022" https://www.gao.gov/assets/710/706505.pdf page 41 and a 2 km hop filed for starship (permission for 20th of may-20th of november window) https://apps.fcc.gov/oetcf/els/reports/STA_Print.cfm?mode=current&application_seq=100002&RequestTimeout=1000
  18. 4 years ago reusable rocket were basically pipe dream ( 1st landing done), falcon heavy was a paper rocket and noone knew that the starship/bfr project even existed
  19. loool they seriously selected Starship, HIPE TRAIN GOING TO FULL SPEED. This is going to be awesome to whatch and it's quite incredible, it means that NASA is actualy starting to believe in the starhip project
  20. Can i say that the more i see stuff like this the more the sls sounds idiotc? It's like trying to swim meanwhile someone is stealing your money from your pocket and you have an iron ball attached to your leg....
  21. in case of war with a major power, you could have al the tanks, satellite, airpower in the world, it doesn't matter, because everyone would nuke each other. Talking of major war, as in 2020, it's just plain idiotic, it's something that only americans do so they can say that they have it bigger....the arsenal laugh in sr72 aurora https://www.rebellionresearch.com/blog/lockheed-martin-confirms-the-sr-72-son-of-blackbird-will-reach-anywhere-in / https://www.extremetech.com/extreme/170463-lockheed-unveils-sr-72-hypersonic-mach-6-scramjet-spy-plane then free rock climbing wouldn't be a thing, or even subs for the matter, or every extreme sport or even stuff that idiot do everyday just to have some "likes" on social media ( i think at selfies at the top of skyskrapers) same could be said by planes 100 years ago with earning so gigantic that is not even funny when it get craked open ( same could be said 100 years ago for offshores oil rigs) ehhhh no, if the cost of going to space goes down 2/3 orders of magninutes we will arrive at the point that even common people could want to launch stuff into space, stuff that might be even their own coffin
  22. @Ultimate Steve, @tater, we went at it all at the same time i forgot asteroid mining though
  23. you know, you talk a lot like those in 1995 who said that "internet was useless" or those in 2007 who said " the iphone is useless and nukia will crush them" or those that right now say " Elettric cars have no future! Ford and GM will kill them". You fail to understand that a disruption on the level of Spacex change everyhing, it creates some multi billions dollar markets that we cannot even thinks of ( using the examples above: internet adds, apps, robotaxis) It opens the market to something that right now might be stupid: -spacex could build his own JWST or even luvuoir, probably in 1/3 rd of the time and 20 times cheaper and just rent it to science organizations, and if you say, your numbers don't make sense,I will just point you out on what has been said during tha falcon heavy launch :
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