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Posts posted by NepalRAWR

  1. I had the problem that I wanted to create a node which activates when 2 conditions were met (for example the node activates when you are 100 m/s fast and are at 1000m altitude) but if you want to do that you need to build loops or other workarounds. But I found out that you can edit the node with programs like notepad ++ to create a single node which activates when 2 conditions are met.


    Please backup your mission before you start editing it with external programs!

    1.  Create both nodes which you want to have in one node (for example speed > 100 m/s and altitude > 1000m) and change their name


    2. Find your mission file. It should be in your KSP folder at "Missions/<YOUR MISSION NAME>/persistent.misson" and open it with an editor

    3. Scroll down till you find "NODES" here are all your nodes.


    4. Now search for the first node you created. You can identify it by looking for the title.


    5. Copy all text between "TESTMODULE {" and "}"


    6. Find your second node


    7.Search for the TESTMODULE


    8. Paste it after the closing brackets of the first TESTMODULE


    9. Reload your mission in KSP

    10. one node should now contain both conditions


  2. 22 hours ago, Starnerd666 said:

    please fix this mission, when the engine explodes the entire craft starts exploding and it becomes literally impossible to control the plane once close to the ground.

    please test your missions before you publish them.

    Thats intentional. I tested it and it is possible. It should not be easy. You need to land fast.

  3. Update 1.2.0

    - works now with KSP 1.4.1


    On 15.2.2018 at 4:32 PM, severedsolo said:

    So went to try this, and it seems that when the Active Vessel becomes destroyed, an NRE is constantly being thrown in MainClass (also couldn't return to the Space Centre)

    My guess is this is the culprit:

     if (!Settings.KACAlarmMode && GUIHandler.ButtonPressed && !DataManager.Scene(GameScenes.SPACECENTER) && FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.patchedConicSolver.maneuverNodes.Count > 0)

    ActiveVessel would be null if the craft is destroyed, so trying to call it's patchedConicSolver will throw an exception.

    Sorry for the late reply I didnt see your answer but I cant reproduce it. If I destroy my vessel there is no NRE. I tried to crash my vessel with maneuver node andwithout but nothing is being thrown... Maybe I understood something wrong?

  4. It is a normal routine mission for the fist SSTO of Kerbin, there are important Kerbals on the plane, but something doesnt go as planned... Can you save the crew and the SSTO? Or will they die in a huge explosion?

    This is my first try with the mission builder.


    Download (Google Drive)


    • Increase the Authority limiter to get more control
    • Try to enter a dive and then try to pull up at 4 km, the important thing is when you land in water to have a slow vertical speed, the horizontal speed is not very important


  5. I want to trigger the next node when 2 conditions are met (5 km height and 300 m/s speed) but if I place the 2 nodes one after another (Start Node --> 5km Node --> 300 m/s Node --> next node) it isnt good because someone could fly up to 5 km, then fly back down to reach the 300 m/s and then the next node will be triggered. But I want it that the next node only triggers when you are 5 km up and have 300 m/s speed.

  6. 1 hour ago, Rocket In My Pocket said:

    UPDATE: Nope, still no dice. Doesn't work for me when doing any kind of time-warping, I'll try removing Better Time Warp to see if it's still conflicting.

    UPDATE 2: No luck, even removing BTW doesn't fix the problem, must be conflicting with some other mod. Don't lose any sleep over it though, no big deal. My fault for having too many mods lol. I'm more trying to help you locate the conflict than I am complaining.

    Ok then I dont know what I could do. Sorry that it didnt work :( but thanks for the help :)

  7. 2 minutes ago, Rocket In My Pocket said:

    So after some short testing, I couldn't get it to actually proc an alarm for my maneuver nodes. (I do have KER, yes.) The icon shows up, as does the settings menu.

    Is it possible it's conflicting with something else? Kerbal Alarm Clock maybe? I tried toggling it on/off as well, no luck.

    Looks like on top of being your first customer, I'm your first bug-report! Lol. :wink:

    It worked as I tested it with my modded game and it worked ( i had KAC installed too). What do you have for other mods installed? And does it stop warp or does it nothing?


  8. Node Alert 1.2.0 for KSP 1.4.1

    Requires Kerbal Engineer Redux by cybutek

    The Mod plays an alarm sound everytime you are close to the burn start (1/2 burn time) and stops the timewarp. If the burn is close to completion it plays another alert. It requires KerbalEngineerRedux because it has better predictions than stock and I use the KER predictions.

    If you enable the KAC Alarm Mode you can press a button to create an KAC alarm  with 3 - 60 seconds margin before the burn and warp to the alarm. It is similar to the stock "Warp to next maneuver" but it accounts the KER burn time. (The warp will stop at KER burntime + Margin). Requires Kerbal Alarm Clock by TriggerAu.



    • Automatic alert at the start of the maneuver burn
    • Automatic timewarp stop
    • Alert at the end of the maneuver burn
    • KAC Alarm mode: Similar to "Warp to next maneuver" but accounts for KER burn time and has a smaller margin (Requires Kerbal Alarm Clock)
    • Customizable settings 

    Pictures & Videos



    Download & Source Code

    GitHub(with source code)


    Or get it via CKAN




    • Some Changes in the Warp stopping system, it should work now with BetterTimeWarp HyperWarp


    • Added KAC Mode: Use the button to create an KAC alarm  with 3 - 60 seconds margin before the burn and warp to the alarm (Activate in settings). It is similar to the stock "Warp to next maneuver" but it accounts the KER burn time.
    • Some changes to the warp decrease system


    • works with KSP 1.4.1

    The mod is licensed under the GNU General Public License.

  9. How can I play sounds from a sound file? Im trying to play a sound file but it does not work.

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using UnityEngine;
    namespace NodeAlert
        public class SoundPlayer : MonoBehaviour
            FXGroup audioSource = null;
            public void PlaySound()
                if (!audioSource.audio.isPlaying)
                    if (audioSource != null)
                        if (audioSource.audio.isPlaying)
                            Debug.Log("audio playing");
            public void LoadSound(string FXGroupName)
                    audioSource = new FXGroup("alert");
                    audioSource.audio = Camera.main.gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource>();
                    audioSource.audio.clip = GameDatabase.Instance.GetAudioClip("NodeAlert/files/alarm.ogg");
                    audioSource.audio.volume = GameSettings.SHIP_VOLUME;

    The LoadSound function is called by Start and the PlaySound function is called by update.

  10. Kerbal Klinic 1.2.0 for KSP 1.4.1

    This mod allows you to resurrect dead Kerbals instead of hiring a new Kerbal. It costs the same anmount of Funds as hiring a new Kerbal so you have no advantages. It is useful if you are playing Career and dont want to revert, but also don't want to loose the veteran Kerbals if something goes wrong.

    This is my first addon for KSP so I hope everything works and I did the licensing right.



    • Resurrect Kerbals with the status K.I.A for Funds
    • Resurrection costs as much as hiring a new Kerbal, but you can also set it to a custom value







    Github (with source code)

    Or get it though CKAN

    The mod is licensed under the GNU General Public License.




    -compatible with KSP 1.4.1


  11. Is it possible that you could add a function to activate/deactivate TCA Modules midflight?
    I have somtimes the problem that all modules are deactivated if I connect the vessel with another vessel using KAS and KIS. I tested that it is possible to activate the modules by editing the save game but doing this every time is very annoying. 

  12. I have built my first ground base but I have a problem: Everytime when I use my small spaceship to fly to a new biome the hab timer of my scientist expires when I fly further then 150m from my base away

    I have already tried to transfer my crew in my base and waited 20 days but if I tried to fly, my scientist and my engineer became tourists. Only the pilot has everytime 9 days hab time.

    Is this normal and is there a way to solve the problem? What am I doing wrong?

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