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Cheif Operations Director

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Everything posted by Cheif Operations Director

  1. Do you have full control. By that I mean you can spin around on the nav ball etc? If so I do not know what to the elk you check, electricity (I presume you already did) It may be a fuel line problem for example if you have a tank then a strut and then an engine it pay not flow so try attaching a fuel line and see if that works.
  2. Again what more could they add other than better physics and more planets etc. My point is that a new game is a cash grab and means that the community will need to wait for a while for new mods to come out. I would much rather a KSP "two" expansion pack/ DLC. Unless they intend to make a full in simulator
  3. Merica (insert eagle sound) (American flag emoji ) A 2 km range would be fine We Mericans went to the moon on miles and feet your Kilometers can get lost
  4. The benefits of a laptop I have about 30-50 mods but they are larger ones. What I'm the world!
  5. Should be a way to introduce a multiplayer. Somebody starts a mission and people join as missio control. As a Kerbal.
  6. Should be called Krimes agains Kerbinity, In as seriousness, ditching jeb and the crew on duna
  7. Money and science points for other planets. Perhaps place building where weaver the waypoints are
  8. Let us place our own launch facilites so long as we have been within 1 mile of the place
  9. How long does it take for your game it load. It takes me 21 Minutes
  10. I found that video intriguing as it how it could process very simple things. When I get a chance I'm going to looo into shirt registers more
  11. I looked back at it and realised I loaded at the bottom of the page
  12. Getting all the way to Jool on a science mission and then realising your forgot science modules. I was one the old Xbox version so it took me about two hours to get their.
  13. I'm curious what your favourite mod is, I know mine is MechJeb2
  14. I do not disagree Modder's are integral to ksp. I said loosen their work load not lessen. But that I mean SQUAD can focus on making the game better and adding more things like planets and making the surfaces more interesting instead of always having to add MOAR parts. The part editor would have procedural parts but also allow for further customization using tools to create your own part completely from scratch.
  15. The reason I say an expandable colony is because it takes research or "science" to make colonies in the first place. I've been trying to convince people that we should have a parts editor so we can make parts and not rely on modders and squad. This will loosen SQUADS workload and allow us to have immense control over our game. Further more we can reduce part count and then makes the game run smoother. Perhaps a STEAM upload so we can share parts as well.
  16. That code requires underlying code to work. My point is what programs that code. I'm going to look into the books. I know what your saying with the code that builds up but my point is that it has to start somewhere and from a hardware specifically so how does that work
  17. New mexico Most likely Here is one smart people who act dumb "to be cool" those people are incomprehensiblly annoying.
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