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Cheif Operations Director

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Everything posted by Cheif Operations Director

  1. I'm not getting the parts do I need to download the source code too or just the .zip file
  2. If you look on the bottom of the Mk3 Capsule you can see 6 orange ovals. Why not have those inflate to crash tolerance is higher or we can float better of the ocean. We do not need it but it would be cool
  3. Hello 1. Your orbital mechanics are WRONG entirely 2. That rocket is not powerful enough Go step by step, do not get to much into the math just do it
  4. I'm neutral EXCEPT for the contracts from other countries, this seems pretty simple. At the end game after landing on other planets if you had contracts for being a launch provider like SpaceX. For example a contract could say Launch SubAssembaly Sat1 (Just a satellite in the contract) to a geosynchronous orbit. That would be cool Reward $100,000 funds
  5. It would be good for cinematics I would do it once in a awhile seeing as it just an animation with the Rocket inserted They could give it to the art team if they have time to kill
  6. If you look up at night in dunas atmosphere it's all dark. This seems like a no brainer! Add stars/ let us see through the atmosphere during a certain window of time
  7. Does this still work in KSP 1.4? and when using sandbox is it possible to disable life support?
  8. Sometimes when I'm making a large rocket the lag of my slow laptop is agonising. My concept is that each part can be grouped into one large part so the game only needs to "calculate" the physics on that one part. This is also useful for dealing with large payloads.
  9. Set your limit to 0 then they can not open if you mean remove the doors so they are always open I'm in favour of it
  10. Like I said I was just curious and was only looking into it as a theoretical concept I'm not saying I'm going to tape a laser pointer on my rocket
  11. Hahaha! I want it for my rocket. I can have a laser point toward one spot as it rises the cone gets wider and wider. I know this will probroly never happen but I just feel like doing the math for it out of curiosity Should be more specific the laser is on the rocket -quietly is a corner "mwhahaha"
  12. Capable of taking the picture in your profile picture just with more clarity
  13. Quick question does anyone know what the formula for a laser "fanning out" in atmosphere is. Just to help clarify if you shine a laser toward the sky it's a cone because of the atmosphere does anyone know the formula?
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