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Cheif Operations Director

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Everything posted by Cheif Operations Director

  1. I understand why you need units now! And that 10000 one I I flopped the thrust and fuel flow sorrry 0.01 is a wonderful Speciifc Impulse . They are all in Lbs and Seconds I'm used to American Units so that's why, also I'm not using this for KSP but for model rocketry so all my tools are going to be American units
  2. Don't mind this ^ @sevenperforce @GoSlash27 can you verify just my answers for these assorted ones? Fuel Flow 5 Lbs Thrust 15 Lbs Isp: 3 Seconds Fuel Flow 10 Lbs Thrust 10000 Lbs Isp: 1000 Seconds Fuel Flow 10 Lbs Thrust 1000 Lbs Isp: 100 Seconds Fuel Flow 5.5 Thrust 1500 Isp: 272.7272727 Fuel Flow 100000 Lbs Thrust 1000 Isp: 100 Seconds Fuel Flow 53 Thrust 1852 Isp: 34 Seconds (doesn't seem right) Fuel Flow 1.5 Thrust 100 Isp: 66 (ish) Fuel Flow 10 Thrust 1500 Isp: 150
  3. 100 seconds Isp Oh wait 75 seconds of burn time correct?
  4. So doing thrust 10,000 and 100 pounds a second on fuel flow I already answered it
  5. With my example? I know I just didn't bother to write it. I need the fuel flow rate and thrust
  6. Fuel flow rate: 100 pounds a second Thrust: 10000 Lbs Isp= 100
  7. That's what I figured that's for your help do you mind if (tommorow) I give a few examples and you check my work?
  8. All I mean is how do you calculate your fuel flow with solid fuels?
  9. Yes if there core is cut it that way I mean if it is cut so it's equal.
  10. Ok that's good for liquid rocket how bout solid rockets. Find the weight of the proplellant and burn out the engine. Correct?
  11. Where do I find persistnace.sts. Do Imoaunch the game, do I use the local files where in local files. I can't find a saves folder in squad or gamedata.
  12. Ok I think I got it so you are using another formula other than axis of engine exhaust divided by fuel flow correct You did thrust (lbs) divided amount of propellant (Ibs) x burn time correct? I just meant don't do that drawn out process you did with crossing it out and just divided and tack the unit in the end
  13. What do you mean folder I downloaded it from steam. Also I'm terrible at computers so like in English
  14. Ahh the good ole days I would use KSP with that joystick.
  15. It's a Im exhausted and feel like I can't add 1+1 moth equation and need to review it tomorrow. seriously I little sleep yesterday and have been busy today. Let me review it tommorow when I can do basic addition Or type math correctly
  16. I know how to use it but what I'm saying is I can't enable it the button isn't their.
  17. give me a second to sort through all of it tommorow when I have more time and am better rested
  18. Is it possible I didn't get the full update I simpily don't see it
  19. 1500 lbs of thrust 1200 pounds of fuel burn time 50 seconds.
  20. Which numbers are the fuel flow rate and thrust, furthur what does how much fuel being used have to do with the efficency. If I light a car and run it for 10 miles or 20 miles on a race track the efficency should stay about the same. I think I mis understood you
  21. If they are on fire and going from liquid to gas and expanding the gases expand in increase and speed and tempeture. That's why rockets have nozzles. Or solid to gas. They have a de laval nozzle. I'm not talking about RCS
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