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Cheif Operations Director

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Everything posted by Cheif Operations Director

  1. It's neutral It's 50% anything else is illogical. Grammar does not apply here and we have only two options. It's like saying a house is over that hill (boy) or it is not (girl) it 50% you may have a house or you may not. Birth rates are not statistly valid, they change every second, literally. With no other useful information what are we to deduct other than a 50% - 50% probability.
  2. Months later is the same song This one too Why these songs are in my head confuses me entirely but they are...
  3. I've suggested this but a dedicated viewing area where Kerbals can wave and such
  4. Seeing as your engines would not be on I'm a wind tunnel the controls would instead control the wind speed. It could go up to 50,000 mph this will help test re-entry vehicles and such also @Rocket In My Pocket This way you could test heating effects pogo and such you can not just accelate too 50,000 mph from the space center
  5. Caesium and Flourine as rocket fuel. Liquid state of course
  6. Indeed. I would like one that allowed you to crop a flag and put your "logo" in big letters like Space X used to do top to bottom.
  7. If child 1 is a boy child can has only be a boy or girl hence 50-50 propobility. You can not take chance that it may be 51% boy 49% girl as mentioned by @5thHorseman that is a chance statistic not a fixed number or ratio. Use of the word "also" changes nothing either 2 children each with a 50% probability because of the two options. This is differant than the game show example too that has a 1/3 probability this only has 2 options and hence 50% probability.
  8. 50/50 If "other refers to the child that is not boy 1.
  9. Then why does the 737 has swept wings if it's sub sonic
  10. One other thing does anyone know why some wings a swept backyard. A flat surface would theoretically create more lift right?
  11. Yes I was I looking into wind tunnels and thought about, when I make my own, increasing the pressure in the blades/fan area. It would be hard but perhaps it may work. The P-51 was just an easy example.
  12. The P-51 could move faster due too less air restiance right? If just the propellor got sea level pressure but the rest of the plane got the 30,000 feet pressure would th plane be able to give off more or less energy in your opinion @Cunjo Carl. Thanks for th additions P-51 Materials
  13. Sometimes especially when using offset you can not just put it back together that easily hence a back buttom
  14. The Apprentice: Kerbal Edition Konald J Krump: Phosen you are failure to the world, YOUR FIRED! *not intend as a political statement.
  15. Allowing us to put a banner on the side of our rockets would be cool. Similar to how Space X does it.
  16. I would pay $20.00 for a customization expansion allowing you to rescale parts at will and add new bases and buildings.
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