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Cheif Operations Director

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Everything posted by Cheif Operations Director

  1. Furthur I'm not developing the game! I do not know how to code
  2. No the cheat would say If Timewarp= true move at constant rate with (AltLim) until 30,000 and then activate space physics. (Weightlessness) *AltLim refers the pressure ratios for light blue blue dark blue and black altitudes. You do not need to personally control it! You can just let it float up and get back to it a year later.
  3. Not of you are in a canyon. When you hit green time warp an "cheat" could be applied to just the balloon.
  4. What is on-rails? Also the ballon would remain stationary for example if I'm in a canyon in eve and I do not have a data link I could delay a ballon which would allow for the link to be carried with the craft. It's like a micro satilites being deployed except it's stationary in atmosphere. Again science ballons too.
  5. I suppose the higher the pressure the quicker they will rise based on the EXISTING model we have with the light blue, blue, black atimiter. The ballon with cap at 30,000 feet. The aeromodel already works like this. I can answer this stuff pretty quickly I'm sure the Dev's can spend 20 minutes coming up with the statistics and the art team can handle the graphic model
  6. I answered it shove *above 20 m/s of lift with a 0.5 m/s decrease per ton this allows for larger craft to be hauled up.
  7. We do not have balloons. It's a simple addition. ballon can has a lifting rate of 2m/s and it reduced by 0.5m/S per ton. Done Not suggesting those as the actual number More likely a lifting rate if 10 m/s Also the balloons could be used as science gatherers and temporary replays You could have a base under the sea on eve and deploy one of these ballons so you have a relay directly to space.
  8. Like adding more battery packs adds depth? I do not want to debate this but all I'm saying is that it's useful, depth no, but more engines do not add depth either. It is a practical use.
  9. If I can lift a Saturn V to 30,000 feet do you really mean to suggest that it would not be useful. It is not a big update it is a small one
  10. If I have 50 micro satilites I want to launch I do not need to launch them individually or on a giant launcher. You could Also use it to haul a massive rocket increasing DeltaV
  11. Space shuttles drive me crazy but they are useful when you use KIS mod along with docking to space stations and bring large modules but that is it. The Saturn V is much more capable.
  12. I absolutely concur it drive me crazy when someone says "their is a mod for that" without actually contributing to the conversation. I do not mind informing the person their is a mod but it's frustrating. My Opinion: I think this is a good idea for bring up small probes in mass, it should be added to the game!
  13. Genetically mutated humans The continent the KSC is on looks likes Africa there for my guess is a nuclear war happened with only Africa surviving Millions of years later you have continental drift and then the Kerbals re-achieving space flight. It could be cardilage
  14. I've downloaded some mods from curseforge and put them into my gamedata folder some of these mods works such as KIS Airplanes Plus but some such as EVE and probes plus not work am I putting eve in the wrong place? It's also important to note that somehow a second gamedata folder was created inside the normal gamedata folder. Likewise chattered does not work either
  15. I mean who not just use the impeller as the compressor and then the rest of the system is essentially a ramjet in design I. Not saying it is a ram jet. But just a ramjet with an 1 impeller and a diffuser like this https://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=AwrEwM4LI11bQdcAHSuKnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTIzNzZjMnBqBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZAM2NzQ3NTA3ZWIzMmRiOTQxNjJhN2M2MDIwMWZkODIyNARncG9zAzEzBGl0A2Jpbmc-?.origin=&amp;back=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Dimpeller%26fr%3Dipad%26fr2%3Dpiv-web%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D13&amp;w=613&amp;h=500&amp;imgurl=procnc.com%2Fimages%2Fgallery%2Fimpeller_medium.jpg&amp;rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fprocnc.com%2Fportfolio%2Fgallery&amp;size=40.0KB&amp;name=CNC+Equipment+-+Trulife+Engineered+Solutions+-+AS9100%2FISO+...&amp;p=impeller&amp;oid=6747507eb32db94162a7c60201fd8224&amp;fr2=piv-web&amp;fr=ipad&amp;tt=CNC+Equipment+-+Trulife+Engineered+Solutions+-+AS9100%2FISO+...&amp;b=0&amp;ni=21&amp;no=13&amp;ts=&amp;tab=organic&amp;sigr=113ltbber&amp;sigb=12uiab6ka&amp;sigi=11dupv7nv&amp;sigt=11tmpcveo&amp;sign=11tmpcveo&amp;.crumb=0sQN5ahmzm8&amp;fr=ipad&amp;fr2=piv-web What does it have to be like this https://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=AwrEwSxOI11bcf4AoOiKnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTIydGVqNXRqBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZAMwMjY5ODU4NjA1NmMyOGE3NzcwMDJjNmQyNGM5ODc0NQRncG9zAzYEaXQDYmluZw--?.origin=&amp;back=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Djet%2Bengine%26fr%3Dipad%26fr2%3Dpiv-web%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D6&amp;w=550&amp;h=413&amp;imgurl=cdn.comsol.com%2Fwordpress%2F2013%2F08%2FGas-turbine-jet-engine-diagram.png&amp;rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.comsol.com%2Fblogs%2Fturbine-stator-blade-cooling-and-aircraft-engines%2F&amp;size=162.7KB&amp;name=Turbine+Stator+Blade+Cooling+and+<b>Aircraft<%2Fb>+<b>Engines<%2Fb>+|+COMSOL+...&amp;p=jet+engine&amp;oid=02698586056c28a777002c6d24c98745&amp;fr2=piv-web&amp;fr=ipad&amp;tt=Turbine+Stator+Blade+Cooling+and+<b>Aircraft<%2Fb>+<b>Engines<%2Fb>+|+COMSOL+...&amp;b=0&amp;ni=21&amp;no=6&amp;ts=&amp;tab=organic&amp;sigr=12ek0adk2&amp;sigb=12vhpe5qu&amp;sigi=12357lmgm&amp;sigt=12c217rcl&amp;sign=12c217rcl&amp;.crumb=0sQN5ahmzm8&amp;fr=ipad&amp;fr2=piv-web
  16. What I do not understand is why not just use an impeller why the complex stator turbine system instead Essentially a ramjet with a impeller
  17. Final question, I think, How does the impeller play into this
  18. Thanks @Cunjo Carl What if you use a blade turning the other direction as a stator and compressor simplifying the process
  19. Ohh! Question Let me type Does this work by having your fan/turbine directly against a flat circular plate with holes will keep it straight?
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