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Cheif Operations Director

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Everything posted by Cheif Operations Director

  1. That isn't the concern. The new EULA allows Take Two to take much personal information from you. So much that they could identify you in almost anyway. The concern is that Take Two will get greedy and sell it, OR that a hacker will take it.
  2. Thanks I'll look into In when I have some more time . [snip]
  3. This is a foreign language to me I'm not computer savvy. Only enough to operate them.
  4. Take indentured servents for example. They technically have unalienable rights... , until they sign them away.
  5. Ok again "I'm absured and dumb, blah blah blah" It has nothing to do with the EULA other than the fact that Take Two is a big target for a hacker. [snip] How do you do that, and firewalls can be broken. [snip]
  6. I gave you the proof that Take Two is a realistic target for a hacker. Yes Squad isn't that realistic of a target but Take Two is. That's why people are concerned. Squad talked to the customers because they cared more and had a small base. Take Two would sell KSP and leave it in the dirt if they could make a profit. I understand that's the end goal of a game but compared to other games if Take Two they couldn't care less other than for profit. Stop trying to insult and such by saying "need their hand held" and such. I understand the EULA and the fact that their isn't most likely any mining going on at this time, This isn't a conspiracy theory. My concern is that Take Two will see the dollar signs with an advertisement firm and do some mining of data with a smaller game of theirs like KSP which is nothing compared to their empire make us mad but we can do nothing about it "because we agreed" Nobody who plays GTA V is going to care that KSP data was mined unless they play KSP sure it's a PR problem but it isn't going to change anything. A change of the EULA with said clause would also show us some goodwill on the part of Take Two that they intend good along with profits. I'm not blatantly suggesting Take Two doesn't care about KSP, they do but they will dump it from a sensible business prospective if it is no longer profitable. It's a concern and one that Take Two needs to solve. If I log into a bank account and set it to "remember me" and then Take Two has the right to mine my computer for banking information... I want you to connect the dots.
  7. P.S. Their stock trades higher than Aerojet Rocketdyne, Good Year Tire, Qualcomm, and Verizon just to name a few. Its within a dollar of JP Morgan and Chevron. It's within 15 dollars of Visa. I understand this really means nothing when you look at how many shares are outheir in a company. I understand that one of you is going to come back at me about valuation and try to "educate" me because "I'm obviously am just like super dumb or whatever" I understand that it means nothing BUT it does show that they are no small time studio or firm as some people here I think are thing to imply. SQUAD shares pre purchases by Take Two I doubt would have traded that high if unless they only had a few shares on the market. Citations: https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/index/djia https://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/ttwo
  8. Is nobody going to address my compromise with Take Two? I said that adding a clause that says take two won't take/mine that info off your computer unless you submit it to them would be fine. This way those who want to pay directly to Take Two can and as they do that accept the risk and people like me who just get steam giftcards are also happy. This way hackers can't attack Take Two they need to attack me. This means less users are less likely to be attacked seeing as all their data isn't in one spot. As to the person who thinks Take Two isn't a "juicy target" they own Rockstar Games, Private Division, and the NBA 2K series. Some of these are the best selling games of all time. One such game is GTA V which sold 85 million copies as of 2013! That is five years ago and atleast of 1/3 is of the population of the United States. That doesn't include smaller games such as KSP and NBA 2K series at the many other game franchises they own. Is some ways Take Two IS A BIG TARGET. Also they had 3 Billion in Assets and 1.117 Billion in revenue in 2017. If you want a citation for my numbers here it is: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Take-Two_Interactive https://www.take2games.com/games/
  9. Here is a solution to the hole EULA thing: just add some language to the EULA that makes it clear that they don't have the right to mine for information. I don't even care that we are conceding the right to it, so long at I willinging give it to them. Is that to much to ask. I intend to buy the expansion via a steam gift card. So this way I don't need to give my info. Same with Xbox. I go it back in 2012 and haven't typed in a credit card yet. Just buy gift cards but this EULA gives them the right to the data. I just want my privacy. Change the EULA so Take Two can Take the info when we submit it but not at any other way. This also gives a last line of defence against hackers.
  10. It's so weird I managed to delete practically all my mods (except for a few which I know are fine) Now when I use the search bar in the VAB a bunch of random pixels light up and the open tab save file and new tabs in the top right turn on and off like lights in an interval and then when I hit launch it crashes. Is it POSSIBLE I accidentally deleted part of the stock game.
  11. That McDonalds Lawsuit was justified. They overheated the coffee so hot that it burned to the plaintiffs bones if I remember correctly.y
  12. What are the normal files I'm GameData. I just need a quick list for stock.
  13. It appears that it wiped my data. Yesterday it says Implayed 72 hours. Today it says Ive played 6 minutes and Imbought it though steam.
  14. Exactly, quick off-topic question why won't my KSP load it gets stuck on "Expansion Complete" in the yellow bar. Everything is loaded and looks like it's ready to launch then it just quits? Anyone?
  15. I'm not complaining about IP addresses.
  16. When you connect to the internet the "Internet" technically mines your IP address without your approval. Technically.
  17. Has KSP stopped working for anyone? It keeps getting stuck as "Expansion Loading"
  18. I said they take it without me typing it in right? That's how it works because I'm connected to the internet they have my IP address. I get it. Im saying they can collect that information without me knowing. They have the ABILITY and the RIGHT to do it.
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