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Cheif Operations Director

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Everything posted by Cheif Operations Director

  1. Liam Neeson Programmer Mode: ACTIVATED Angry Rocket Scientist Angry Rocket Scientist 52 HAHA
  2. We must start a rebellion. A bug fix that only changes the sprite of the mod so find the source code and release a mod that replaces the sprite. Hehehe
  3. We should start a rebellion. Find the code for nyan Cat and replace it with a HAHAHA line going around. All that would need to be replaced is the Picture in the code. Seeing as the that section of th game is 2D a quick patch the change sprite would do the trick.
  4. Is this sponsored by squad If it isn't how did he get access to my computer,
  5. Suggestions? Look at my profile picture How did he hack me Is it sponsored by SQUAD?
  6. See my profile picture. I'm at a loss for words. Anyone know what this is?
  7. (See my Profile picture) what is that cat thing. On it. Is this a joke or something? note PC version Modded. I'm running a norton scan. Nothing yet.
  8. Hello, is their a mod for 1.3.1 that makes the Kerbin system real scale.
  9. I think the console is perfectly capable. It can run far more complex games with little effort.
  10. I meant to say Maneuver. I'm not sure I follow but, what I was saying was that NASA pre planned their MANEUVERS . But KSP players don't unless their using mechjeb
  11. Yes their was a small chance because the manure was pre planned. Now unless your using mech Jeb you are winging it. I also said the rings should be 1 single craft. Furhur a 2S animation with 3D here and their with ring collison isn't bad. I suspect is JPL Winged it and flee through the most dense part Cassini should have survived.
  12. I've modded my game wish many mods and it tends to crash ALOT. an dit there a way to wipe all mods off your game?
  13. Charachter driven movies and plot driven movies both never work. If you plot is about people in a mall and they just talk you learn a lot about them. It's good charachter development but NOBODY want to see you shop in a mall for a hour talking about your new car. Likewise a movie that is solely action, example a video with nothing but a battlefeild and non specific charachters just screaming and shooting is not a good movie either. Both need a MIX. Soap Operas, the ones I'm ever so slightly familiar with are just people arguing and blah blah blah. You doing that I Han Solo is an atrocity beyond having him get killed by his own son.
  14. Nice. I enjoy Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority. I own one F40 PH With a "light night stripe" and "single stripe" both have decent sound. My best freight engine is a CSX Locomotive (599 model first search result for CSX 599) don't have the official name on the top of my head and don't feel like moving boxes. It has superb sound and ditch lights everything. Got it at a train show back in 16 for really cheap. Envious... very envious. nice work
  15. I know this goes somewhere else, I'm fine if a moderator shuts it down but after a year and a half I finally have PC Version, how do you mod to real solar system? And mod in general. A step by step procedure would be nice thanks
  16. I meant noon soap operas, the pure unrealistic drama
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