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  1. Most excited for the visual upgrade and new content
  2. I am having an issue where the buttons in the van get greyed out after spending about an hour in the career mode. Because of this I can do nothing anymore and I am forced to close the game (simulations also dont start anymore). When I relaunch I can not join my save game again, it is listed as “just started” It is now the second time I experienced this and I have been unable to continue the career mode. I am running 1.10.1 should I downgrade to an earlier version?
  3. The issue has been solved, the problem was the mod: kscswitcher.
  4. Does anyone have the same problem? It seems like the space center is partially in the water. Latest kopernicus version is installed. The hitboxes for the space center buildings are also not correct, as you can see in the first picture.
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