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Bionic bulldog

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Everything posted by Bionic bulldog

  1. Sorry if this has been asked before. Is there a way to use the Planet warehouse function without installing the complete parts pack. This part of the mod is what I like the most and find the most useful and I think is brilliant to be able to share resources.
  2. Hi. I think I may know the answer but want to check anyway. I have only recently switched to using Ground construction DIY kits rather than EL. I have both MKS and GC 2 Installed. (All latest from GitHub). So far everything appears ok except for one thing. If I try to make a DIY kit and the vessel has MKS drills on it, the kit when deployed just keeps growing until it explodes. If I remove just the drills from the vessel and try again kit deploys ok ready for construction. I'm told that MKS is bundled with GC1 and it awaiting update to gc2. I know I have installed GC2 and to get them to work and show icons I have had to Install MKS after the GC2. Is MKS overwriting something and this is why my DIY kits are not deploying when I have drills attached? Running ksp 1.4.3
  3. Unless something has changed, they do not. AFAIK only the stock units will mine an asteroid. Not sure if this is any help. But yes i have had this problem even with ground tethering. I found my issue being caused by some third part landing struts and wheels and KIS pipes. Now i dont use the pipes and only use the usi landing legs on a fixed base. Not had the problem since
  4. Hi Simple question. Does anyone else have issues with T credits stop being produced when switching away from the vehicle. When i start T credits it is produxing and seems works ok (dont see anywahere though that shows me how many has been produced). When i switch away from the vehicle and back agai , the vehicle menu says Start T credits again. So i assume as soon as ive switched away it has stopped producing. Running ksp 1.4.3 with latest usi mods off git hub website.
  5. Loojs like you were correct so i took another look at the installation. If i installed mks only without GC, icons would be present. If i indtalled GC eithout mks, icons would be present. Installed both with mks first then installed GC. No icons. Installed GC first then MKS. Icons were back again. So must be a confluct with mks, and for some reason mks has to be installed after GC. Not had time to go through everything to see if anything not working but so far so good.
  6. HI Just installed the GC2 to try out rather than using EL which seems to have stopped working for me.. I have now lost both my VAB icon and Main toolbar icon. any ideas. PS I do have MKS installed as well/ thanks
  7. Hi Could do with some help with the jnstallation. I am sure i am doing something stupid, but not sure what. I am running ksp 1.4.3, and all mods are up to date. Including the USI which i use a lot for base building. I installed v6.0.0 of the EL from github. All parts appear in VAB, i get a EL button in the vab, but its got no icon just black. I get no EL icon on main screen to access gui for building. Put together quick ship build for trying survey stake but it no longer will let me acess any gui for building anyrhing. I mainly used before the survey stake and orbit dock for building with usi Material kits and SP rather than the rocket parts. I notice on git hub there was another seperate folder named "source" which mentions 1.4.2 compatibility. Not sure if i am supposed to install this as well and if so where do i install it to (ie. Do i drop it in to the EL folder in gamedata or somewhere else). Any help or pointers would be welcome.. thanks in advance.
  8. thanks for the post. tried that, still no drills appear. still only showing the stock drills and the two meu 100 pulse drills. o well.
  9. Hi. I tried what the post below suggested. but missing drills still don't appear. so think I am doing something wrong. below is what I did. please can someone let me know if I did it right or wrong. thanks. MODEL { // model = Squad/Parts/Resources/RadialDrill/TriBitDrill // texture = TriBitDrill, UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/Assets/TriBitDrill_YL // scale = 2,2,2 }
  10. Bug. I had this on one of the 1.3.1 updates. Everything worked ok, it just seemed that when you open the item it shows them all then removes all the ones the unit was not configured for. A later update on the 1.3.1 stopped it.
  11. Same here. It appears st it is making a new icon every time i build a ship and does not remove the old one.
  12. Simple question... im told that installing a mod and removing parts which you would never use would save loading time and ram (ie. Only keeping the stakes in EL when used with this mod). Could this also apply to the usi mods. There are Lot of parts in this mod which i neve use. two examlles examples would be. I Dont use the life support function anymore only the manufactruing and mining side, so could i delete all the agriculture stuff etc.related to that side of production. Only ever use the construction ports from the konstruction mod. Or would this break the mod and cause problems.
  13. Please , please, pretty please, with a cherry on top with lots of cream around the edge, can we update for 1.4.1. I know you probably got lots of mods you looking at, but for me this is a must have mod and after using it for so long i am hating playing the default action groups. Its like driving a reliant robin after being in a Ferrari....... Thanks... thanks.... many thanks. Grovel grovel.......☺
  14. Am i alone in seeing this update as a bit of a disappointment, i would have thought the makers would have at least tried a bit more on the parts and GUI . For instance. 1. Still crappy 10 actions available with no option to name them. 2. No new nose cones or such like for fuel tanks. And so on.... Considering it got released with a glaring bug on the cockpit which didnt allow seeing any kerbals on board, (seriously, how the hell could someone miss that during testing.) Im not too impressed with it. It seems to me that the update been released with the expection of modders to continue to fill in the gaps and missing pieces which should really be in the game already.
  15. Anyone know of a mods or mods which can sort the craft in the tracking station window. Ie. by planet rather than the default by launch date. I find the default a pain in the butt.
  16. Beeb seeing the same thing, although everything seems to work ok, just the config informatiin in the detail windows just seem to say ???. I shiuld point out that this is not just drill related, since updang to the latest 1.3.1 (not 1.4) version with the oribital logistics i also have same issue in all MKS configurable parts, ie assembly parts also say ???. Strangley tho this is not always the case, some do retain the info, i am not sure why whether i configured the parts in the vab in different ways or what.
  17. Yes, using stakes, not got round to orbital construction yet. Ok, so not a bug, just me being dumb. Although did read everything i could find and didnt see this mentioned. Ok back to building ☺ Thanks.
  18. Hi, ive just started using EL and could do with help. Im using it alongside MKS and so far have no problems apart from one thing. When building craft, i select craft and window apears to show amount of material kits and specialused parts required. Below us sliders for the on board parts. Even if i set sliders on these, when my craft is built it always apoears ok, but without any materials on board. Ie uranium, electrical charge always missing. Any ideas what im doing wrong or is this a bug. Thanks for reading.
  19. Thanks, yes i knew the window information would not update, just did not realise the actuall store did not either. Ok, so that clears that one up.hmm, time for a rethink, guess ill try to build multiple drill types in one mine base where diferent ores can be mined in same location. Least it will cut down on the amount of drill heads to visit for updating stores. I dont have any batteries on the units or solar panels, using big reactors only as i thought this would be bettery. Guess i was wrong and need to add big battery packs Thanks for help..
  20. Hi all, hopefully somone confirm if i have an issue or not. Few days ago started playing again after few weeks layoff. Updated all mods so to current versions (mks mods to pre 1.4 release). Now got two issues so far which i dont think used to occur. 1.have a minmus base set up for manufacturing and parts assembly. Set to use planetery store. Have mining rigs round planet mining ore, silicates etc. Set to store in planetery store. If i go to ore rig i see ore in planetery warhouse window update to the current amount, lets ssy its at 1000. I got to base and see my base is pulling this ore ok and converting to fuel and can see ore dropping in planetery window as its used.however even tho drill other side of planet is storing ore, when at the base, when the ore level drops to 0, base thinks no more ore and stops producing.i have to physicalky go back to drill to get planetery stores to update then go back to base for it to start producing fuel again. This is happening on all drills etc. Is this right? I thought even tho planetery warehouse window would not auto update the game still knows stuff was there and pull it as required. As it is i cant leave a base to get on with things without constantly going round every thing on planet to update the resources. 2. Since updare, if i use fast forward, all of a sudden my power goes weird. On the drill rigs for instance, all good and plenty of power, but if i fast forward too fast, all of a sudden rigs using more power than the reactor is supplying, even though detail windows on consupmtion has not changed. Same is happening on base, as soon as i fast forward to fast, the pdus suddenly can no longer produce more power than the base units want. Only appears to happen when fast forwarding, before that every thing fine and perfect.after thst always losing power and cant seem to get it to work again correctly. Note. Drilling rigs using stock reactor and mks drills. Base uses mks pdus. I dont recall having either issue prior to updating, but ciuld be wrong as first timg ive built a fully complete base with mks. I did redownload manually all the mks files from the website again and manually installed, as ckan wanted to only install the 1.4 files and since im on 1.3.1 was not sure if they were compatible Any ideas? Or am i being dumb........ Thanks for reading..
  21. Hi Has anyone else experienced "lag" issues when using any of the drills packed with the mks. When building craft, when i select one of the drills it takes a few seconds for it to select, then be jerky when trying to place it. Same if i have placed it on craft then try to select it to move it. When trying to land craft always seems to pause around 500m ish from ground and hover for many seconds before carrying on. Any craft ive landed or in factory with drills takes lot longer to load when switching to it. Same applies if i am piloting a craft to land near a drill equiped craft. I have tried experimenting and cant find what is happening. I even built two identical vehicles, one equiped with mks drills one with stock. Stock craft has no issues, loads quick in vab and landed, but mks drilked unit takes ages. All mks up to date including tools. I only have issues with drills as far as i can tell, no other part ive used has same problem. Thanks for reading.
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