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Everything posted by popeter123

  1. hyped for the dictator (we in swansea have had the idea for years )
  2. are there any maps in files?
  3. the person who cos he buyed some land of me cause a rp war
  4. off topic but were do you find those kerbin maps?
  5. cant get blender as school blocks the site so have to go home this weekend
  6. attached is my concept idea(cilder is to show rocket)
  7. will all the topics we made still be there(i cant remember a thing about the religion i made)
  8. what i want is for it to be automatic when you press space
  9. i know i dont need a code but this will be my first mod so wish to model this
  10. upper clase birt from WALES oi mate how it hanging! or in language oi ffrind sut mae\'n hongian!
  11. note im 13 and at boarding school witch blockes nealy everythink > ps here is my idea to start a big slow moving cart and a radial decuplar witch ataches to the cart(fixed) and the side of a craft(detachable)
  12. also i want the arm to fall away when you launch the ship
  13. what i want but dont know what to code: goes slowely along a line without toppling over holding arm to hold spacecraft
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